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Extensions count against maximum Custom and AppExchange apps limit ?

Does an extension for a managed package count against the maximum Custom and Appexchange limit for an org ?


Or in other words: Is it possible to install a managed package + extension in GE, where the limit is "1" ?



Best Answer chosen by Admin (Salesforce Developers) 

If your app and extension are native (definition can be found here), then it can be given a special permission that allows the package to ignore the org limits. Once that is enabled, you would be able to install these multiple packages in GE.


Hope that helps,


All Answers


If your app and extension are native (definition can be found here), then it can be given a special permission that allows the package to ignore the org limits. Once that is enabled, you would be able to install these multiple packages in GE.


Hope that helps,


This was selected as the best answer
EGA FuturaEGA Futura