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Can APEX do FTP or make SOCKET/SOAP connections?

I am looking to connect to a remote service... Can APEX do FTP or make SOCKET/SOAP connections?

Additionally can it create temporary files like CSV of tab?

Thanks for your help.
Apex supports making outbound SOAP calls, see the docs on WSDL2Apex and Salesforce SOA.
RAD.  Thank you.
Can you provide the URL's for the above mentioned documentation of the root of the documentation pages on which I could find them?
Its in the Apex Language reference PDF available from
I've been reading that document and have found some interesting information on the support for exposing functionality written in APEX through a SOAP WSDL.  (states that RPC like behavior is unsupported for calls comming into the platform from an external SOAP client.

However, that is not what I am primarily concerned about, I am attempting to make the APEX code a client to an external SOAP server in an RPC type of communication.  If I can't get RPC then I would need the ability to send a temporarily exposed call-back (AJAXian sort of SOAP) if that were possible.

Start at page 125 of the language reference doc, you can import a WSDL into Apex so that you can make a SOAP call from Apex to a third party server.