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Sending and Receving Data through Salesforce

Hi there,

Our company is in the process of integrating the external system with Salesforce.

1.> What are the factors that need to be considered while integrating a system with the Salesforce?

2.> If we need to send out the data from the Salesforce to an external URL - how can we do that any restrictions on this one?

3.> We can create a webservice in Salesforce using APEX , can someone confirm that ?


Doug ACFDoug ACF
There are lots of options for integration - including "build your own" now with the ability to invoke external webservices from Apex Code, and to expose Apex Code as a webservice.  The preferred approach depends on the technology of the other system(s), the use case, and how many systems are involved.  The challenge in building yourself is the "management" part of it (e.g., what happens if the other system is down and you need to queue the transaction for later).  That's where an integration platform like Cast Iron excels.  ACF Solutions has experience with Apex Code web services and we are a Cast Iron implementation partner.  Feel free to contact me if you want to discuss options in more detail.