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Jason L.ax300Jason L.ax300 

formula for task tracking

I've setup a custom object to track high level project activities.  These activities can be comprised of one or many tasks (which are using the standard salesforce tasks object) and I'd like to figure out a way to automatically update the total time estimate for this activity.

Activity: setup activities
 SF Task 1: create item 1 (2 hours)
 SF Task 2: create item 2 (1 hour)

Total time that should show on the main 'setup activities' record would be 3 hours.

I'm not sure how I would go about this or if it would just be better to total this information through a report.
Chris ShadeChris Shade
Hi Jason,

In broad terms you would create a custom field on your custom object.  The data type of your custom field would be Roll-Up Summary.  This type of field summaries numerical values from related objects.  In this case, it would look at the field storing hours on the tasks (graned you are inputing them as numbers (1, 2, etc) and it isn't a text field storing ("2 hours", "1 hour", etc) and add them up and display them on the custom object.

If that doesn't address your question.

What is the name of your custom object?
Is it related to the task object?
