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Validation Rule - Prevent Opportunity Edits
I'm wondering if someone can help me determine if this is possible, and if so, how to achieve it.
I want to write a validation rule that will disable a salesperson's ability to edit that opportunity once they've saved it with a stage of "closed". Can this be done? I can restrict access on an individual field level but I'm not seeing how to prevent them from making any edits whatsoever to a closed opportunity.
Any help would be appreciated, thanks.
You're also limited in the number of validation rules you can have per object in Professional. So the most of these you could have would be 20. If you have more than 20 fields you're trying to lock down then you're out of luck
Validation rules fire when a case is true - if the user tries to make a change to any field, not just the ones in the formula, the rule will fire. Try it for yourself.
The way we set ours up is that we also prevented them from deleting closed-won and prevented them from changing or deleting line items, too. Let me know if you want any of these validation rules.
Hi Jakester.
Sweet idea.
To simplify a little, " IsClosed = True " also works.
How do you prevent people from changing related lists? And how often do you get asked to make changes to opps that the sales people cannot because of these rules?
Thanks, Aiden-
I don't have sales reps asking me to un-open opps very often, but that might just be part of our culture that we don't typically close things until they are really closed. As far as related lists, I have two rules that stop any changes from the oppty line items - one is on the oppty and it checks if the priorvalue of the # of line items doesn't equal the new # of the line items - this stops any line items from being deleted. The second rule is similar to the rule we use on the oppty to prevent any changes from being made.
I'd give you the exact language, but our Salesforce server (na3) is currently down - how lame!!!