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BUG in SOQL? Invalid SOQL to get Task Owner information

I am trying to get Task Owner's Mobile Phone number using the following SOQL:


Select  t.Owner.MobilePhone from Task t


When I try to execute it I get an error message:  "No such column 'MobilePhone' on entity 'Name'"


The error shows up for some other columns too, e.g. CallCenterId (of User object), while some I am able to get data for some other columns, such as Name, LastName, etc.


Why is that?




Message Edited by Shamil on 07-02-2009 10:15 AM
Best Answer chosen by Admin (Salesforce Developers) 
Owner on Task is a polymorphic relationship (i.e. to can be a foreign key to different types), for these types of relationships only a subset of data of the related object is exposed, these are fields defined on the Name entity, including firstName, lastName & phone, but not all fields from user. From the schema you can see this because the ownerId field has the isNamePointing property set to true. There's also a give-away in the error message where it says the field is not valid for the Name entity. This is all covered in the SOQL-R section of the API documentation.

All Answers


It normally works from apex or VF Class. i am not sure check out. but it definitely not works from apex explorer or salesforce

schema in eclipse

I tried it yesterday in the schema in Eclipse and was getting the same issue.
The query doesn't work both in Apex and through API.

Try this:


Select t.Owner.Phone  From Task t





The thing is that there are 2 fields on User object: Phone and MobilePhone.

I need MobilePhone. 


Oops...No luck for me too


I could see the field "Cell" (for Mobile phone), but query does not work.


Ron, thanks for looking into this. What you're saying makes sense, but there are couple of things I don't undertand:

1. Phone and MobilePhone fields have exactly the same attributes:

- createable

- filterable

- nillable

- updateable


... and the following SOQL works:

Select  t.Owner.Phone from Task t


that is Phone is queryable


2.Some other fields, such as 'Name', 'LastName' having the following attributes:

- filterable

- sortable


are still queryable with SOQL queries, such as:

Select t.Owner.Name from Task t 




3. Side question - not really for you, but still - why would Apex Explorer and Schema browser in the IDE let a user create invalid SOQL statements?





Owner on Task is a polymorphic relationship (i.e. to can be a foreign key to different types), for these types of relationships only a subset of data of the related object is exposed, these are fields defined on the Name entity, including firstName, lastName & phone, but not all fields from user. From the schema you can see this because the ownerId field has the isNamePointing property set to true. There's also a give-away in the error message where it says the field is not valid for the Name entity. This is all covered in the SOQL-R section of the API documentation.
This was selected as the best answer
Ron HessRon Hess
Thanks Simon!

hey shamil,

did you resolve this?




Since this info cannot be obtained in 1 SOQL call, you'll need to make a separate SOQL request to objects that can be Task Owners
yes I got it afterwords I did it same way you are suggesting...