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Trigger Error - NullPointerException

I am using a trigger to update an associated record whenever the first record is modified. I am only testing this on one field at the moment.


On the first record, I make a change to the data, then when I click save, I expect it to update the related record (but not necessarily inform me that it did so).


I'm getting this error:

Error:Apex trigger Updated_Associated_Project caused an unexpected exception, contact your administrator: Updated_Associated_Project: execution of AfterUpdate caused by: System.NullPointerException: Attempt to de-reference a null object: Trigger.Updated_Associated_Project: line 49, column 43


Any suggestions as to the cause?


Here's my code:


trigger Updated_Associated_Project on Opportunity (after update) { // The purpose of this trigger is to pass values from the Opportunity to the Project so that // users don't have to manually update both when changes are made. // This trigger will pass all related values to the associated Project. // Future idea: Inform user of number of fields that were updated? // Should this just mass update all of them, or review each field to see if it's different // and then update? // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- // Locate project that has this Opportunity as its parent // ------------ code recycled from sf code cookbook------------ // The map allows us to keep track of the Opportunities that have // changes to update the Projects with Map<Id, Opportunity> OppsThatHaveBeenUpdated = new Map<Id, Opportunity>(); // is a list of the Opportunities that will be updated // This loop iterates over the list, and adds any that have had // changes to the OppsThatHaveBeenUpdated map. for (Integer i = 0; i <; i++) { if ( (Trigger.old[i].Acquisition_Specifications__c !=[i].Acquisition_Specifications__c)) { OppsThatHaveBeenUpdated.put(Trigger.old[i].id,[i]); } } List<Summary__c> updatedProjects = new List<Summary__c>(); for (Summary__c s : [SELECT Id, Acquisition_Specifications__c FROM Summary__c WHERE Opportunity__c in :OppsThatHaveBeenUpdated.keySet()]) { Opportunity parentOpportunity = OppsThatHaveBeenUpdated.get(s.Id); s.Acquisition_Specifications__c = parentOpportunity.Acquisition_Specifications__c; // Add projects to list and bulk update updatedProjects.add(s); } update updatedProjects; }






Best Answer chosen by Admin (Salesforce Developers) 

It appeasrs you built your map using the opportunity id as the key, but it appears you are trying to "get" values from the map using the Summary__c id.


I think you would want your second loop to look more like this:



List<Summary__c> updatedProjects = new List<Summary__c>(); for (Summary__c s : [SELECT Id,Opportunity__c, Acquisition_Specifications__c FROM Summary__c WHERE Opportunity__c in :OppsThatHaveBeenUpdated.keySet()]) { Opportunity parentOpportunity = OppsThatHaveBeenUpdated.get(s.Opportunity__c); s.Acquisition_Specifications__c = parentOpportunity.Acquisition_Specifications__c; // Add projects to list and bulk update updatedProjects.add(s); } update updatedProjects; }



All Answers


It appeasrs you built your map using the opportunity id as the key, but it appears you are trying to "get" values from the map using the Summary__c id.


I think you would want your second loop to look more like this:



List<Summary__c> updatedProjects = new List<Summary__c>(); for (Summary__c s : [SELECT Id,Opportunity__c, Acquisition_Specifications__c FROM Summary__c WHERE Opportunity__c in :OppsThatHaveBeenUpdated.keySet()]) { Opportunity parentOpportunity = OppsThatHaveBeenUpdated.get(s.Opportunity__c); s.Acquisition_Specifications__c = parentOpportunity.Acquisition_Specifications__c; // Add projects to list and bulk update updatedProjects.add(s); } update updatedProjects; }



This was selected as the best answer



Thank you, thank you, thank you. 

Your modifications worked perfectly and now I have my first successfully running trigger!

