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Need help with Data Entry Conventions
Not sure if this is even possible. Is there a way to force entered data to change according to a rule or setting without making the user go back and make a change? For instance: User enters account name as 'St. Mary's Med Ctr of Chicago' upon insert the account name would automatically change to read 'Saint Mary's Medical Center of Chicago'.
This kind of haphazard abbreviations are causing so many duplicates.
It's possible with a Workflow Rule and a Field Update, but it's gonna be one PITA to code.
How many records and users do you have on your SFDC org? I might have an easier solution for you.
We have 90 users, 75k Accounts, and roughly 250k Leads.
Do me a favor run a report of All Accounts CreatedDate equals LAST 180 Days grouped by Month. What's your avg number of new accounts created per month? (If you've done a Mass Upload in the last 180 days, discount them)
Average new accounts per month is 791.
So ballpark it at 800 per Month, 200 per week, 40 per day.
You might want to consider revoking Create Account and Convert Lead persmission for most of your user profiles. Then deputize a handful of trusted users to Create/Convert. Then create and approval process where users can submit a Lead for Approval if they need a new Account created (they'll be hammered with VR's so they have to give you a complete Lead, not just some POS). The Leads are routed to the deputy Admins who review, reject, approve, convert the Lead. We did this on our SFDC org
Unfortunately, its not my internal users that are creating most of them. They are coming from Marketo, and McGraw Hill.
Ugh!!! man... I dunno what to tell you then. Is it possible to stop them from dumping garbage Accounts on your SFDC org?