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Rick LambRick Lamb 

Time Format for a Field

I am trying to create a "Time" field for users to enter the amount of time they spent on a case.  If I make it a Date/Time field, I get all the calendar stuff.  If I use a number field, then it is decimal.


How des one create a field that deals with hours and minutes?


Thanks . . .

Best Answer chosen by Admin (Salesforce Developers) 



Create a text field and validate it to ender time format only . For time there is no specific data type in salesforce





All Answers




Create a text field and validate it to ender time format only . For time there is no specific data type in salesforce





This was selected as the best answer
Rick LambRick Lamb

Who would have thought a TEXT field?  Guess I am not a programmer.  Thanks for the help.