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Formula - Image Fields


I have an image formula on my account to setup a VENN diagram, very similar to a demonstration in a "Tips & Tricks" webinar.

The problem is the URL ( to build the images is non-secure, causing security warnings to appear on our Account page when using Internet Explorer.


Does anyone know of a similar tool with a secure URL to use as an alternate to the google chart api?  I'm hoping to have a solution that doesn't really on users resetting IE security settings (which may turn out to be a headache).


Thank you,




You could add a rule in Internet Explorer to not warn users only if they're going to that specific base url - it wouldn't hurt your security and it would make the prompt go away.

Thanks Jakester - however, my hope is for a solution that doesn't depend on our internal users resetting browser options.  This can become burdensome as a Help Desk task for users who aren't proficient with such things.


Completely suppressing the messages with a secure URL is ideal, if possible.

If the computers are on a domain, you could push this out via Group Policy, so it wouldn't take any end-user work.