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Chirag MehtaChirag Mehta 

Creation of Case record failed: [FIELD_INTEGRITY_EXCEPTION] No selected contact: Contact ID

There's a trigger on Lead which creates case for every inserted lead. This trigger creates case without any contact information (i.e., ContactId field is kept blank).  Now consider following 2 scenarios ...

  1. If i create the lead using interface, the trigger executes without any error and results in creation of a case.
  2. Anyhow, if i create the lead using Web2Lead form, the  trigger results in error "Creation of Case record failed: [FIELD_INTEGRITY_EXCEPTION] No selected contact: Contact ID"

Can someone state what might be the reason or what are the possible workarounds to stop this strange behaviour ...

Message Edited by Chirag Mehta on 12-07-2009 05:02 AM