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No: of users insatalled a partculr package

Hi ,
How can an admin get the total number of users who have installed the package created by him.
Best Answer chosen by Admin (Salesforce Developers) 

I think the best you can do is install the LMA application and view the number of installs and seats you've given out a license to.


If you're using site licenses (for a free app maybe?) this is less helpfull as it only shows you the number of orgs with your app installed, not the number of seats using it. 

All Answers


I think the best you can do is install the LMA application and view the number of installs and seats you've given out a license to.


If you're using site licenses (for a free app maybe?) this is less helpfull as it only shows you the number of orgs with your app installed, not the number of seats using it. 

This was selected as the best answer
Thanks for ur reply.