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InputTextArea: Disabled with RichText does not disable the text area
Has anyone else tried to disable a rich text area using the apex:inputTextArea tag?
<apex:inputTextarea richText="true" disabled="true" />
I tried it and couldn't disable a rich textarea.
I believe since it is a WYSWYG it uses javascrypt and that attribute is override.
If you post why you can do this mayb eI can help you finding out another solution.
Good luck,
We used a work around with JavaScript. It would be nice if Salesforce could take care of this so that it is simpler for developers to disable the rich text tool.
Could you share the javascript work around? I have a similar problem & can't find another way to get a Richtext field disabled.
No guarantees on this code:
You'll also need this directly after the inputTextarea:
If you have jQuery questions, please visit their site: