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conditional validation rule

Hi i'm trying to re-write this formula and having some syntax issue :(


Old rule condition was : if 1st established contact already contains a date, canot change it


New rule condition is as follow: If established 1st contact is WITHIN last 3 months, that date cannot be changed with exception for admin



Here is old formula without new condition



NOT($Profile.Name = "System Administrator"),



If nayone can help, i would appreciate



Thx in advance

Best Answer chosen by Admin (Salesforce Developers) 



you can use the id of the profile instead of the name in the condition,


$User.ProfileId <> "sys admin profile id",
Today()-PRIORVALUE(Established_1st_Contact__c) <= 90 )

All Answers

Kent ManningKent Manning

Hi cldave,


Did the "old" rule work properly?


What is the nature of the syntax error?


The formula that you have written is correct in terms of the ANDs, NOTs, and ISBLANK,ISCHANGED, and PRIORVALUE. You also have the right number of parenthesis.  Only thing you might want to try is change "System Administrator" to 'System Administrator' - use single quote instead of double quotes to see if that helps.  Otherwise, let me know the nature of the syntax error so that I can better troubleshoot the rule. 


Yes sorry if i was not clear,  It is a working rule, but the condition need to change, as shown on old rule condition is: If field (date) not = to blank , cannot be changed


Now i need to modify this rule condition  to this instead:


If field(date) within last 90 days , field cannot be changed


Basically only allow to change date on this field if older than 90 days


Kent ManningKent Manning

I don't know what you have tried so far, but you might try this modification:


NOT($Profile.Name = "System Administrator"),
IF(NOT(ISBLANK(PRIORVALUE(Established_1st_Contact__c))),Today() - Established_1st_Contact__c =< 90, False))


Does that get you to your stated goal?




yes that is what i need in theory , unfortunately this formula gives me the following error:


Error: Syntax error. Found '<'


Thank you very much for taking the time to help me, I really suck in formulas and trying to learn :)

Kent ManningKent Manning

Hi cldave,


Change the formula to reflect what is shown in red below.  That should work.


NOT($Profile.Name = "System Administrator"),

)),(Today() - Established_1st_Contact__c) <= 90, False))


Unfortunately it seems this formula is not bringing me the result i'm looking for :(


Example: I take a blank lead mark date of 1st established contact as: 01/01/2013 and try to change it to any date value not in the last 90 days and it lets me


But if i try to change it TO a date in the last 90 days it does not let me, even tho previous date is clearly over last 90 days


For clarity purposes: i want the rule to adhere to the following condition in both order:


Allow changes if conditions met:

- Field blank

-Date older than last 90 days




Do not allow changes if conditions met:


-Date in field is within last 90 days



Sorry to be a bother and hope you can help






Kent ManningKent Manning

How about trying this modification to your fomula:


NOT($Profile.Name = "System Administrator"),


IF((Today() - Priorvalue(Established_1st_Contact__c))>=90, False, True),


)),(Today() - Established_1st_Contact__c) <= 90, False))




you can use the id of the profile instead of the name in the condition,


$User.ProfileId <> "sys admin profile id",
Today()-PRIORVALUE(Established_1st_Contact__c) <= 90 )

This was selected as the best answer

Ty very much guys , finally that last post from Agi worked!

