I have written a trigger which works fine if , i have task created after an contact is created . But I have a situation where a task is created at the same time when an contact record is created .So, it doesn't allow me to update the contact record.
I have created a custom field in contact for counting the total open activities.
i would really appreciate any help in solving this...thank you
trigger CountContact on Task (after insert,after update ) { if(Trigger.IsUpdate || Trigger.IsInsert) { String ContactId = Trigger.New[0].whoId; if(ContactId.substring(0,3) =='003') { List<Task> Tasks = [Select Id from Task where Status =: 'Not Started' and whoId =: ContactId ]; Contact C = [Select id,Total_open_Activity__c from Contact where Id =:Trigger.New[0].WhoId] ;
You can collect the Contact records Ids in a list and pass it to the @future method and update the contact records in the @future methods.
Even then, if the triggers are recursively called, check for some condition before updating the contact record.
Hope this helps. If so, Please mark the solution as solved.