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Getting query results in a Map with for loop

Hi All,


I am trying to query 10000 records and using a for loop o fetch them all. I know we can get these records in a list but can we get them in a map?


When i try :



for(Map<Id,Account> aMap : new Map<Id,Account>([Select Id,Name from Account])){}


 I am getting this error: Loop must iterate over a collection type: MAP:Id,SOBJECT:Account
Please advise. 





You're going to hit a governor limit with 10000 records, I think it'll only let you work with a 1000 in a map. Anyway, you were almost there, you'll need to do it in two steps though,


Map<Id,Account> aMap = new Map<Id,Account>([Select Id,Name from Account LIMIT 1000]); for(Id accId: aMap.keyset()){ }



 There's more on governor limits here.






You can use list of lists to store the 10.000 records in a "list".

The code going to look like this:


List<List<Account>> accountList = new List<List<Account>>(); List<Account> tempList = new List<Account>(); for (Account iter : [select id from Account]) { tempList.add(iter); if (tempList.size() == 1000) { accountList.add(tempList); tempList.clear(); } } if (tempList.size() > 0) { accountList.add(tempList); tempList.clear(); }






In Spring 10 release, Limits on the number of items a collection can hold have been removed.

so there will be no worry for you.


2 Questions.


1.  When will Spring 10 release be released?

2.  If I create a List<List<Account>> object. How do I loop through all the records in the list of lists?




--Todd Kruse