As a best practice, never hard-code an ID value in your code.
You can get the Recordtype Id by querying RecordType Object.
trigger rcdtypechg on Contact (before update) {
set<Id> chngRcdtype=new set<Id>(); RecordType rectype=[Select Id From RecordType Where Name='Your RecordType Name']; for(Contact co : Trigger.New) { if(co.What_are_you_applying_to__c=='Interlochen Summer Arts Camp') chngRcdtype.add(co.Id);
List<Enrollment_Opportunity__c> app=[Select Id,RecordTypeId from Enrollment_Opportunity__c where Enrollment_Opportunity__c.Applicant__c IN:chngRcdtype]; for(Enrollment_Opportunity__c ap:app) { ap.RecordTypeId=recType.Id; }
hii anitha,
try this one
trigger rcdtypechg on Contact (before update) {
set<Id> chngRcdtype=new set<Id>();
for(Contact co : Trigger.New)
if(co.What_are_you_applying_to__c=='Interlochen Summer Arts Camp')
List<Enrollment_Opportunity__c> app=[Select Id,RecordTypeId from Enrollment_Opportunity__c where Enrollment_Opportunity__c.Applicant__c IN:chngRcdtype];
for(Enrollment_Opportunity__c ap:app)
update app;
To add up,
As a best practice, never hard-code an ID value in your code.
You can get the Recordtype Id by querying RecordType Object.
trigger rcdtypechg on Contact (before update) {
set<Id> chngRcdtype=new set<Id>();
RecordType rectype=[Select Id From RecordType Where Name='Your RecordType Name'];
for(Contact co : Trigger.New)
if(co.What_are_you_applying_to__c=='Interlochen Summer Arts Camp')
List<Enrollment_Opportunity__c> app=[Select Id,RecordTypeId from Enrollment_Opportunity__c where Enrollment_Opportunity__c.Applicant__c IN:chngRcdtype];
for(Enrollment_Opportunity__c ap:app)
update app;
Hope it helps.