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Why does IDE suck when it comes to saving work in progress?
Ok, I've been working with the IDE for a while, and when it comes to saving work in progress, it goes from bad to ridiculous. If I have automatic builds on, every time I save, depending on the connection, everything freezes when I have two saved actions in the queue. Why?
So, I turned off automatic builds choosing to bypass the whole waiting part until I am ready to "Save to Server", at which point, when I try to save a file to server, the IDE decides that it is a good idea to take the other files and refresh them from the server, because hey, it's obviously what I wanted it to do. It is very frustrating to lose your work on the one hand, and have to stare at the hour-glass on the other.
Is there hope for the future here? Or do I need to build process to work around these horrible decisions/features/bugs?
The work around is the Ant tool kit. You can replace the wild card for each metadata component in the package.xml file to the files you are working on. Also don't add the metadata components you don't want. Then go to the command line to do your builds.
It's an extra step but you should eliminate the server conflicts.
This part never happened to me and I have never heard that it from other SFDC devs.
Perhaps something is not quite right with your IDE setup.
I always had "Build Automatically" turned off, so Ctrl+S nice, local and quick.
To push changes to the server use Ctrl+B (build) - this will publish All changed files in current project to the server.
Although, even if you sort the build problem plugin is still subpar which is why my preferred solution is favourite editor + shell scripts + Ant.
Shell scripts prepare deployment package for Ant and call ant every time when i hit a hotkey.
The key with Ant is that the deployment package includes only files you changed since last push because you do not want to publish the whole project every time.
Bublishing the whole project on large codebase takes a lot of time and if you work in a team then other devs will not be happy if you overwrite their work. Hence deployment package has to be selectively prepared before you pass it to Ant.