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SOQL Injection
Hello All;
I have a dynamic SOQL query which is called as below.
public Account[] getAccounts() { String userInput = Apexpages.currentPage().getParameters().get('param'); Account[] accs = database.query('SELECT name FROM Account WHERE name = \'' + userInput + '\''); return accs; }
Here I expect a name of an Account as the userInput.
But as I think a SOQL injection can be done in the above case since the user can input something as below as the the 'param'.
param=Account1' OR name<>'xxx
In above case the user gets data of all the accounts instead of what I expected to return.
But as I think If I have used the "with sharing" keyword in my controller class the user still can't see the records which are not permitted for him.
Am I correct or is still there a way(Security hole) for user to view unauthorized data.
Two things:
1) with sharing will prevent users from viewing any sort of data they're not supposed to; it makes the queries sharing-sensitive.
2) A better idea is to use a bind variable, which automatically escapes your user input such that they can not enter a SOQL "hack". Ex:
Bind variables can be used in strings in place of filter values (but not field names or objects). Just precede the variable name with a colon (as in the example above).
All Answers
Two things:
1) with sharing will prevent users from viewing any sort of data they're not supposed to; it makes the queries sharing-sensitive.
2) A better idea is to use a bind variable, which automatically escapes your user input such that they can not enter a SOQL "hack". Ex:
Bind variables can be used in strings in place of filter values (but not field names or objects). Just precede the variable name with a colon (as in the example above).
Hi Prageeth,
I think the value in your String variable(userInput ) is null which is causing this problem.
Hey, Thanks sfdcfox;
I didn't know that bind variable can be used in dynamic queries. Wow... Thanks again.