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Parsing XML
I have setup a REST API on an external application. I'm trying to use it to display information in
The XML returned is similar to this
<procedure id="201011201" distribution_centre_id="2" hospital_id="143" date_booked="2011-01-25 00:00:00">
<procedure_sales id="9892" procedure_id="201011201" person_id="212">
<procedure_surgeon id="9893" procedure_id="201011201" person_id="580">
<procedure id="201012022" distribution_centre_id="2" hospital_id="152" date_booked="2011-01-12 00:00:00">
<procedure_sales id="10042" procedure_id="201012022" person_id="199">
<procedure_surgeon id="10043" procedure_id="201012022" person_id="1013">
I'm trying to get it to output this basic data in html something like this to start
<div><p>Procedure Id : 201011201</p><p>Surgeon Id : 9893</p></div>
<div><p>Procedure Id : 201012022</p><p>Surgeon Id : 10043</p></div>
On my page I have this
<apex:outputText value="{!Procedures}" escape="false"/>
and in my controller I have this method
public String getProcedures() {
String procedureString = '';
if (this.theXMLDom != null && this.theXMLDom.getElementsByTagName('procedure') != null) {
XmlDom.Element[] procedures = this.theXMLDom.getElementsByTagName('procedure');
if( procedures != null ) {
procedureString =+ '<div>Procedures</div>';
for( XmlDom.Element procedure : procedures ) {
procedureString =+ '.';
procedureString =+ procedure.getValue('id');
return procedureString;
I was hoping that would give me this output
but I only get this
how can I loop though the xml nodes and to get at the data?
(I'm using the XMLDom class)
Thanks for any help.
I sorted this out.
My request call was not setup corectly
I was using
instead of
I'll have to read up on how to send and acceot header options properly