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using Case createdById UserRole
I am trying to select the userrole name of the user who created the case by following code but not able to get it.
It gives me an error in line 3.
for (Case c:accs){
User thisUser = [ select Id FROM User where Id =:c.CreatedById];
UserRole userrolle = [ select Id FROM UserRole where Id =:thisUser.UserRoleId];
string rolename = userrolle.Name;
again you didn't select all the data
User thisUser = [ select Id FROM User where Id =:c.CreatedById];
UserRole userrolle = [ select Id, Name FROM UserRole where Id =:thisUser.UserRoleId];
the field name for apex is UserRole
so I think you wanted
User thisUser = [ select UserRole FROM User where Id =:c.CreatedById];
UserRole userrolle = [ select Id, Name FROM UserRole where Id =:thisUser.UserRole];
All Answers
you only populated the ID field,..
UserRole userrolle = [ select Id FROM UserRole where Id =:thisUser.UserRoleId];
you need to add the role name
UserRole userrolle = [ select Id, Name FROM UserRole where Id =:thisUser.UserRoleId];
sf is cool, it will allow you to get ONLY what you need.. but you have to tell it explicitly!
You aren't including the neccessary fields in your SOQL queries. As the earlier poster pointed out, you need to explicitly include any field that you want to reference in the SOQL query. Also, you can get the information you need in a single query. Finally, your code is not bulkified (it has SOQL statements inside a For loop) and can run into Governor limits.
Try this instead
Set<Id> userIds = new Set<Id>();
for (Case c:accs){
User[] users = [ select UserRole.Name FROM User where Id in :userIds];
I changed the code as following:
for (Case c:accs){
User thisUser = [ select Id FROM User where Id =:c.CreatedById];
UserRole userrolle = [ select Id, Name FROM UserRole where Id =:thisUser.UserRoleId];
string rolename = userrolle.Name;
Review all error messages below to correct your data.
Apex trigger LogEmailToActivityOnDispute caused an unexpected exception, contact your administrator: LogEmailToActivityOnDispute: execution of BeforeUpdate caused by: System.SObjectException: SObject row was retrieved via SOQL without querying the requested field: User.UserRoleId: Class.LogEmailToActivity.UpdateActivity: line 8, column 65
again you didn't select all the data
User thisUser = [ select Id FROM User where Id =:c.CreatedById];
UserRole userrolle = [ select Id, Name FROM UserRole where Id =:thisUser.UserRoleId];
the field name for apex is UserRole
so I think you wanted
User thisUser = [ select UserRole FROM User where Id =:c.CreatedById];
UserRole userrolle = [ select Id, Name FROM UserRole where Id =:thisUser.UserRole];
thank you , thats some pretty interesting code..
I have two questions
1. the Users user[] = statement, returns a '' field, but that is not present in a 'User' object,
so how do you reference it? user[index]
does this only work where the referenced type direct field is an id? (userrole= reference in this case)
2. the admonition of no soql in a loop.. is that explicit soql or any?
cause to my mind the for(Case c:accs) is just language short have for a soql loop
still a relative novice trying to learn..
1) Yes, you would reference a User Role name from the array with the 'user[index]' notation. To better understand how parent-child relationships work in Salesforce please refer to the following documentation - In your case, User is the Child and UserRole is the Parent in the relationship.
2) You should never have any SOQL or DML statements (like updates/insert/delete) inside a for-loop. Please refer to the following article for more on how to bulkify Apex code -
Hope this helps....
SOQL 'statements' in a loop.. got it..
tried to rewrite my trigger, and figured out the _r for my custom reference field,
but the trigger no longer works as expected.. stil researching
here is my updated trigger.. can't figure out why neither side works..
these are both custom objects, like notes on a case. but I need control of the visible data and the date/time
on the before insert, I want to show the users company id in the view list.. and can get than from the createdby user reference to custom field. and don't want to depend on the user entering it.
on the after insert. I have a trigger that updates a remote system if the 'problem' has been 'escalated' and need to wake up that trigger when this comment is saved.
the isapi flag on both objects is set if the remote system makes inserts or updates to either object. the triggers do not fire in this case,
cause there is no reason to send the data we just received back to the originator.
my old trigger works, but breaks the rules and is incomplete (I started with both before and after insert, but got sidetracked)