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Test Code coverage Question
On the below test code I am covering 53% and have an error that says the following:
TestQuoteExt.basicAttachTest System.QueryException: List has no rows for assignment to SObject Class.quoteExt.attachQuote: line 17, column 23 Class.TestQuoteExt.basicAttachTest: line 42, column 32 External entry point
I am running agains a brick wall. How to I solve this error in the test class?
Test Class:
@IsTest private class TestQuoteExt { /* This is a basic test which simulates the primary positive case for the save method in the quoteExt class. */ public static testmethod void basicSaveTest() { /* Construct the standard controller for quote. */ ApexPages.StandardController con = new ApexPages.StandardController(new quote()); /* Switch to runtime context */ Test.startTest(); /* Construct the quoteExt class */ QuoteExt ext = new QuoteExt(con); /* Switch back to test context */ Test.stopTest(); } /* This is a basic test which simulates the primary positive case for the attachQuote method in the quoteExt class. */ public static testmethod void basicAttachTest() { /* Construct the standard controller for quote. */ ApexPages.StandardController con = new ApexPages.StandardController(new Quote()); /* Construct the quoteExt class */ QuoteExt ext = new QuoteExt(con); /* Call save on the ext */ //; /* Set the extension quote object using the id on the controller. */ ext.q = new quote(id = con.getId()); /* Switch to runtime context */ Test.startTest(); /* Simulate the button invocation of the attachQuote action method on the extension. */ PageReference result = ext.attachQuote(); /* Switch back to test context */ Test.stopTest(); /* Verify the navigation outcome is as expected */ System.assertEquals(result.getUrl(), con.view().getUrl()); /* Verify the attachment was created. */ System.assert([select name from attachment where parentid =:con.getId()].name!= null); } /* This setup method will create an opportunity with line items and a primary contact role for use in various tests. */ private static Opportunity setupTestOpportunity() { /* Create an account */ Account a = new Account(); = 'TEST'; Database.insert(a); /* Get the standard pricebook. There must be a standard pricebook already in the target org. */ Pricebook2 pb = [select name, isactive from Pricebook2 where IsStandard = true limit 1]; if(!pb.isactive) { pb.isactive = true; Database.update(pb); } /* Get a valid stage name */ OpportunityStage stage = [select MasterLabel from OpportunityStage limit 1]; /* Setup a basic opportunity */ Opportunity o = new Opportunity(); o.Name = 'TEST'; o.AccountId =; o.CloseDate =; o.StageName = stage.masterlabel; o.Pricebook2Id =; /* Create the opportunity */ Database.insert(o); /* Setup a basic Template*/ PDF_Template__c pd = new PDF_Template__c(); pd.Name = 'English'; pd.Template_Address__c = 'apex/English'; /* Create the Template */ Database.insert(pd); /* Setup a basic quote*/ Quote q = new Quote(); q.Name = 'TEST'; q.OpportunityId =; q.PDF_Template__c =; /* Create the opportunity */ Database.insert(q); /* Create a contact */ Contact c = new Contact(); c.lastname = 'LASTNAME'; c.firstname = 'FIRSTNAME'; Database.insert(c); /* Create the opportunity contact role */ OpportunityContactRole r = new OpportunityContactRole(); r.ContactId =; r.OpportunityId =; r.IsPrimary = true; r.role = 'ROLE'; Database.insert(r); /* Create a product2 */ Product2 p = new Product2(); p.Name = 'TEST'; Database.insert(p); /* Create a pricebook entry. */ PricebookEntry pbe = new PricebookEntry(); pbe.Pricebook2Id =; pbe.Product2Id =; pbe.IsActive = true; pbe.UnitPrice = 1; Database.insert(pbe); /* Create a line item */ OpportunityLineItem i = new OpportunityLineItem(); i.opportunityId =; i.pricebookentryid =; i.quantity = 1; i.unitprice = 1; Database.insert(i); /* Set up the opportunity with the related records */ r.Contact = c; r.Opportunity = o; o.Account = a; i.Opportunity = o; pbe.Product2 = p; pbe.Pricebook2 = pb; i.PricebookEntry = pbe; return o; } }
ApexPages.StandardController controller; public Quote q {get;set;} public quoteExt (ApexPages.StandardController c) { controller = c; q = (Quote) c.getRecord(); } public PageReference attachQuote() { PageReference pdfPage; Quote quote = [select id,, PDF_Template__c, PDF_Template__r.Template_Address__c from Quote where id = :ApexPages.currentPage().getParameters().get('id') ]; if(Quote.PDF_Template__c != null) { pdfPage = new PageReference('/apex/' + quote.PDF_Template__r.Template_Address__c); } pdfPage.getParameters().put('id',; Blob pdfBlob = pdfPage.getContentAsPDF(); QuoteDocument a = new QuoteDocument(quoteId=, Document = pdfBlob); insert a; return controller.view(); } }
Thank you
All Answers
I have had to run Amend your suggestion for additional code coverage, but this worked beautifully.
Thank you so much.