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Mack Dsoza
Explain me error
Double growthRate = LifeInsuranceInterest__c.getInstance(description).Rate__c;
I am getting an error here, plz tell me what this error means...
Error: Compile Error: Not of type Custom Settings at line 545 column 29
No, its not the issue of data type. I tried the same in my org, and it works successfully.
You should match your custom setting name in your code with custom setting detail page. There must be name mismatch.
If possible copy your custom setting detail page here.
All Answers
You don't have any custom settings defined in your org named LifeInsuranceInterest__c.
Go to setup->develop->custom settings in your org and create one.
I have already created custom settings but the custom field namd Rate__c in it is of type percent so might be conflict between their data type...
But I have created Custom Settings....
No, its not the issue of data type. I tried the same in my org, and it works successfully.
You should match your custom setting name in your code with custom setting detail page. There must be name mismatch.
If possible copy your custom setting detail page here.
Thank you so much sonali...
Thanks Sonali,
Working perfectly.