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Trigger on FeedItem
hi , i have written a simple Trigger on FeedItem when i am Creating a new record on custom object, a new Item feed been created :" admin created this case." and the Trigger i wrote is not fired , why ???
Thanks .
Fiest please check your trigger is active and if it is inactive please activate it. In case it is already active then could you please provide your trigger code so that I can look into.
yes the Trigger is active
when i am adding a feed i can see its working
but when i am creating a new record a feed is created but the Trigger is not runing
Fiest of all i did not understand why you have used both before insert and , after insert here,
And also provide me the code where you are performing action to fire the trigger.
To know more about triggers :
I will try to explain ,
when I am creating a new record ,( manually ) a new feed is Created
and in the feed its written : " admin created this case " and i want to catch this event
is it Possible ?