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Contact Role on Opportunities related to Person Accounts

I have searched high and low for someone who has done this and have come up empty handed. I find it hard to believe this is not a common issue.


As you know, if an Opportunity is added to a Contact, the Contact is automatically added as a Contact Role on that Opportunity. It does not make them the Primary Contact Role or define the Role, but it does add them.


If an Opportunity is added to a Person Account, the Contact/Person Account is not automatically added as a Contact Role on the Opportunity. When the Opportunity is created there are no Contacts listed.


What I would like to do is to have a trigger that automatically adds the Person Account as a Contact to the Contact Roles when an Opportunity is created under them. I would like for them to be made Primary and a role of Decision Maker. 


It seems to me that adding Contact Roles automatically would be more common, but I guess not. Has anyone found a solution to this that they can share? Thank you everyone!




Try using a trigger to do what you want to added and when.


I figured it would need to be a trigger, I was just hoping others had the same problem or need and had a solution or trigger already built. Thanks.

Lauren HonyotskiLauren Honyotski
Was a trigger ever posted for this? I am having the same issue.
Ron La Porte 7Ron La Porte 7
I am having the same issue. What is the easiest way to fix this?