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Replicating the standard behavior.

Hi ,

           Notes and Attachments related list on the Account displays Attachments not just from Account but also from Cases, Contacts, and Opportunities linked to the Account.I need to replicate the same behavior for my custom object.Is it possible to create a vf page as related list ? Any Idea..



Shashikant SharmaShashikant Sharma

Yes you need to create a vfp and fetch all the notes and attachment records that you want to show and then show those in a paga block table.

Hi Shashikant,


          Thanks for your reply.But i need to show that as a related list vf page not as a section of page on standard page layout.Is it possible ?



Shashikant SharmaShashikant Sharma

You can use a pageblock table and show all related items in it and show first Item "Name" as a link. Is there any issue in this implementation for you?


What do you want to show in related list? Why do you want to show it in VF page?


Edit the page layout and in the related list section drag the Notes and Attachment related list and drop in appropriate place. If you still want to display in VF page then use <apex:relatedList> tag.