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Compile Error: SObject constructor must use name=value pairs at line 18 column 30
In overriding the new quoteentry page with a visualforce page, QuoteLineItems are not added to the Quote based on the OpportunityLineItems. To bring this functionality I am writing an after insert trigger to clone the OpportunityLineItems to the QuoteLineItems when a quote is created. I am receiving the following error:
Error: Compile Error: SObject constructor must use name=value pairs at line 18 column 30
Here is my apex code:
trigger NewQuoteLineItems on Quote (After Insert) { Set<Id> qid = new Set<Id>(); for(Quote q :{ System.debug('**** 0 q id : '+q.Opportunityid); qid.add(q.opportunityid); } System.debug('****1 : q Id size '+ qId.size()); List<QuoteLineItem> qli = new List<QuoteLineItem>(); List<OpportunityLineItem> oli = new List<OpportunityLineItem>([select id, opportunityid, pricebookentryid, Quantity, TotalPrice from OpportunityLineItem where opportunityid = :qid]); for(Quote quote :{ QuoteLineItem item = new QuoteLineItem ( qli[0].pricebookentryid = oli.pricebookentryid); qli.add(item); } insert qli; }
I believe my trigger should generate a list of products attadched to the related opportunity and then create the same products on the quote record using a for loop. Is this the correct way? The above code is my start to the trigger.
Thank you,
You are missing to close the round braces.
QuoteLineItem item = new QuoteLineItem ()
All Answers
You are missing to close the round braces.
QuoteLineItem item = new QuoteLineItem ()
Thank you very much for your help.