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Packaging Person Accounts



I have a problem with Person account fields.. I know we cannot associate person account fields with package.. So I wrote a general trigger regarding my project and I wrote another trigger for person accounts. My plan is to give the trigger to the users who wants to use person accounts along with my application..


But., I have faced one problem. In my general trigger i'm calling the xml field from data__c object. Through that xml tags I'm updating different objects., while inserting xml data into account object., I wrote another code for person accounts.


General trigger:


         cpordnum = cpdata.OrderNumber__c;


 XmlStreamReader reader= new XmlStreamReader(dataxml);


Contact con= parseContact(reader);


          Account a = new Account();
                a.Name = firstname+' '+lastname;
                a.BillingStreet = add2;
                a.BillingCity = city;
                a.BillingState= state;
                a.BillingCountry = country;
                a.BillingPostalCode= postalcode;
                a.ShippingStreet = shipadd2;
                a.ShippingCity = shipcity;
                if(!acc.isEmpty()&&( xmlvalue[0].Accounts__c == true ||xmlvalue[0].Person_Accounts__c == true) ){

                insert acc;



Contact parseContact(XmlStreamReader reader1){
     Contact contact = new Contact();


 while(reader1.hasNext()) {
       if ('Patron' == reader.getLocalName() && reader.getEventType() == XmlTag.END_ELEMENT) {
        else if('BillingFirstName' == reader.getLocalName() && reader.getEventType() == XmlTag.START_ELEMENT){
          if(reader.getEventType() == XmlTag.CHARACTERS) {
            contact.FirstName = reader.getText();
            firstname = contact.FirstName;
        else if('BillingLastName' == reader.getLocalName()&& reader.getEventType() == XmlTag.START_ELEMENT){
          if(reader.getEventType() == XmlTag.CHARACTERS) {
            contact.LastName = reader.getText();
            lastname = contact.LastName;




My Account Trigger:



for(Account a{
     if(xmlvalue[0].Person_Accounts__c == true && !rt.isEmpty()){
                a.firstname = firstname;
                a.lastname = lastname;
                a.RecordTypeId =rt[0].Id;
               a.PersonEmail =email;



If I give static values for firstname and lastname it is working.. But, how to give the values dynamically.,coming from the xml..


First general trigger works on CnPData__c before insert... second one works on Account after insert.


Thanks in Advance..

