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How to test a method that uses ApexPages.currentPage().getHeaders().get('Referer')
When a Visualforce Page1 calls Visualforce Page2 and Visualforce Page2 has a extension to an Apex class with a constructor that contains the following line of code
How can the class be tested when being called by a Apex test class instead of a Visualforce page?
The result of "ApexPages.currentPage().getHeaders().get('Referer')" is setting a class property that is being used by other methods of the class.
public class Payment_Extension
private Payment__c payment;
private ApexPages.StandardSetController myController;
private Payment currentPayment;
private boolean isReceivable;
public Payment_Extension(ApexPages.StandardSetController stdController)
payment = (Payment__c)stdController.getRecord();
myController = stdController;
isReceivable = ApexPages.currentPage().getHeaders().get('Referer').contains('tabspayreceivable');
public List<selectOption> getReceivableTypes()
return currentPayment.ReceivableTypes();
return currentPayment.PayableTypes();
You should just be able to put a value into the headers map:
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You should just be able to put a value into the headers map:
Any idea why I can't set a header in a pagereference that can be captured by another page, i.e.:
public PageReference redirect(){
Apexpages.Pagereference kbhome = new Apexpages.pagereference('/apex/refererredirect');
return kbhome;
The header doesn't show up in the other VF page.
Can you please give a example on how and where to use setHeader method?
I tried the same stuff using getHeaders but I am always getting the error on the below link:
Any help on this is appreciated!