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Help with trigger regarding Updating a Parent record from child



I have two objects which are related contacts and relationships and in relationship i have a formula field which fills in  values A OR B OR C OR D from user record and i am trying to get this information to the contact from relationship .


So i created a long text field on Contcts and wrote a trigger on relationships , everything works great. But the only pb is if i have records with values A or b or c or d  more than once then on my long text field it displays more times  but i want it to dispaly only once( i.e for 1 contact there can be 100 relationshps out of which it can have any values a,b,c, or d but i want only once to display)  how can i acheive this.





trigger ContactRelationshipTrigger on Relationship__c (after delete, after insert, after update) {

// fires after both insert and update

if((Trigger.isInsert || Trigger.isUpdate) && Trigger.isAfter){

// find the ids of all Contacts that were affected

Set<Id> ContactIds = new Set<Id>();
for (Relationship__c ar : [select Id, Contact__c from Relationship__c
where Id IN :Trigger.newMap.keySet()])

// process the Contacts


// fires when records are deleted. may want to do undelete also?
} else if(Trigger.isDelete && Trigger.isAfter){

// find the ids of all Contacts that were affected
Set<Id> ContactIds = new Set<Id>();
for (ID id : Trigger.oldMap.keySet())

// process the Contacts





public with sharing class ContactRelationshipTriggerHandler {

public static void ProcessRelationshipsAsync(Set<ID> ContactIds){

// holds a map of the Contact id and comma separated Relationships to build
Map<Id, String> ContactRelationshipMap = new Map<Id, String>();

// get ALL of the Relationships for all affected Contacts so we can build
List<Relationship__c> ContactRelationships = [select id, Contact__c,
Brand__c from Relationship__c
where Contact__c IN :ContactIds order by Brand__c ];

for (Relationship__c ar : ContactRelationships) {
if (!ContactRelationshipMap.containsKey(ar.Contact__c)) {
// if the key (Contact) doesn't exist, add it with Relationship name
} else {
// if the key (Contact) already exist, add ", Relationship-name"
ContactRelationshipMap.put(ar.Contact__c,ContactRelationshipMap.get(ar.Contact__c) +
', ' + ar.Brand__c);

// get the Contact that were affected
List<Contact> Contacts = [select id from Contact where Id IN :ContactIds];

// add the comma separated list of Relationships
for (Contact a : Contacts)
a.Brands__c = ContactRelationshipMap.get(;

// update the Contacts
update Contacts;




Thanks ,


Best Answer chosen by Admin (Salesforce Developers) 
for (Relationship__c ar: ContactRelationships) {
            if (!ContactRelationshipMap.containsKey(ar.Contact__c)) {
                // if the key (Contact) doesn't exist, add it with Relationship name
                ContactRelationshipMap.put(ar.Contact__c, ar.Brand__c);
            } else {
                // if the key (Contact) already exist, add ", Relationship-name"
                ContactRelationshipMap.put(ar.Contact__c, ContactRelationshipMap.get(ar.Contact__c) + ', ' + ar.Brand__c);

 This is where you're composing your string value. If you want to prevent duplicates , just chek wether your ar.Brand__C is already in the string you are building. Looking at the quality of the rest of your code, I'm a bit suprised you need help on this.


if(! ContactRelationshipMap.get(ar.Contact__c).contains(ar.Brand__C){
       ContactRelationshipMap.put(ar.Contact__c, ContactRelationshipMap.get(ar.Contact__c) + ', ' + ar.Brand__c);