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Created Date




My requirment is to store only the Created Date in a separate field in Lead Object. Currently there is a field Created By in the Lead Object which contains Name and Date. Is there any simple method to store only the created date value in a separate field?



Hari G S

Best Answer chosen by Admin (Salesforce Developers) 



You can create a formula field with DATEVALUE(CreatedDate) date and return type is Date.


If your question is resolve please mark it as accept as a solution, If not please let me know. 

All Answers




You can create a formula field with DATEVALUE(CreatedDate) date and return type is Date.


If your question is resolve please mark it as accept as a solution, If not please let me know. 

This was selected as the best answer
Jia HuJia Hu
try use a Formula Custom Field with Date type
and set the value as DATEVALUE(CreatedDate)

