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Ketan Solanki29Ketan Solanki29 

Parent Child Nested Query in Controller

I have two object(Parent-Child)


Parent Object==>> Course__c


Field Label Data Type

Name                             Text(80)

NoOfSubject                  Number(3, 0)
Type                                Picklist

Child Object==>> Subject__c


Field Label Data Type

Name                             Text(80)

Course                           Master-Detail(Course)
Marks                              Number(3, 0)
Description                    Text(255)


Now , I need to write a nested query like below but didn't success.


List<Course__c> courseList;


courseList = [ SELECT Id,Name,Number_Of_Subjects__c,Type__c,( SELECT Id,Name,Marks__c,Type__c FROM Course__r.Subject__c ) FROM Course__c ];




 Compile Error: Didn't understand relationship 'Course__r' in field path. If you are attempting to use a custom relationship, be sure to append the '__r' after the custom relationship name. Please reference your WSDL or the describe call for the appropriate names. at line 7 column 22

Please, help me to write SOQL query for this parent child relationship. 



Your query looks wrong when selecting the child records. Try below


List<Course__c> courseList;


courseList = [ SELECT Id,Name,Number_Of_Subjects__c,Type__c,( SELECT Id,Name,Marks__c,Type__c FROM Subjects__r ) FROM Course__c ];


Ketan Solanki29Ketan Solanki29

Still i am getting this below error


Error: Compile Error: Didn't understand relationship 'Subjects__r' in FROM part of query call. If you are attempting to use a custom relationship, be sure to append the '__r' after the custom relationship name. Please reference your WSDL or the describe call for the appropriate names. at line 8 column 22


Can you click on the Subject__c's field that is referencing the Course__c object and see what child relationship name is, and you need to append __r to that name and use it in query.!317





In Eclipse, open up your Schema.


Find the Course__c object and expand. -> Find Child Relationships and expand -> Select Subject and expand -> Expand the fields -> Click the check box on one of those fields.  It will show you how to query for the child relationship from the parent in the query builder here.