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Trigger to update related record not related by a Salesforce ID
I'm trying to write a trigger on opportunities that when an opportunity is closed, it will update the invoice date field on a custom object. The records are related based on a unique field on the custom object that is in the description field on the opportunity. The field is called Work_order_id_c on the custom object. I don't know how to assign the CloseDate from the mapWOIds map to the vdDocs InvoiceDate using the WorkOrderID. Any help would be appreciated.
trigger UpdateVersaDocDocument on Opportunity (after insert, after update) { if (Trigger.isInsert){ map<String, Date> mapWOIds = new map<String, Date>(); set<String> workOrderIds = new Set<String>(); list<VersaDocDocuments__c> vdDocsUpdate = new list<VersaDocDocuments__c>(); // loop through trigger and add WorkOrderID and Invoice date to map for (Opportunity o :{ if (o.StageName == 'Closed/Won' && o.Type == 'Customization' && o.Description.startsWith('WorkOrderID:')) { mapWOIds.put(o.Description.substringAfter(': '), o.CloseDate); workOrderIds.add(o.Description.substringAfter(': ')); } } // create a map a VersaDoc Documents map<String, VersaDocDocuments__c> vdDocs = new map<String, VersaDocDocuments__c>([Select Work_Order_ID__c, Id, Invoice_date__c from VersaDocDocuments__c Where Work_Order_ID__c in :workOrderIds]); // iterate over the list of versadoc Documents and assign the invoice date for (String vd : vdDocs.keySet()) { System.debug('in for loop vddocs.key is ' + vdDocs.get(vd)); vd.Invoice_Date__c = mapWOIds.get(vdDocs.get(vd)); // vdDocsUpdate.add(vd); } } }
Instead of looping thru the keyset of vdDocs, I loop thru the values, it's more straighforward.
Btw, the workOrderIds set is not necessary since you can use mapWOIds.keySet() in the SOQL query.
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Instead of looping thru the keyset of vdDocs, I loop thru the values, it's more straighforward.
Btw, the workOrderIds set is not necessary since you can use mapWOIds.keySet() in the SOQL query.
Thanks so much Hengky. It works perfectly!