function readOnly(count){ }
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can we update the grandchild record in salesforce using apex?
Yep!! you can, unless you have the permission from the profile, Or else if you want to ignore the prior, then you can run your apex class in the system mode, this is done by declaring
public without sharing class noSharing {// your code!}
Hope this helps!
Thank you sir
You can use relationship name to get the grand parent child records and easily update them.
Ankit Arora
Blog | Facebook | Blog Page
Yep!! you can, unless you have the permission from the profile, Or else if you want to ignore the prior, then you can run your apex class in the system mode, this is done by declaring
Hope this helps!
Thank you sir
You can use relationship name to get the grand parent child records and easily update them.
Ankit Arora
Blog | Facebook | Blog Page