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Any one please helm me customer portal issue



I have one object  Order 

fields Acccount (lookup) and contact (lookup)

when i am login as customer portal user  i can see one tab i.e Order


when i am creating new Order 


   account and Contact should populate but account and contact are not popuating.

from the contact only i have enabled customer portal so i have contact and account so based on login information account and Contact should popuate but i don't know why it is not popuating please any onle help me.


i think for this we need to write code some set up i messed please let me know 





You will achive this by two way -

1) Make a new page layout of order object and insert related list. And assign the profile to this layout. 


2) Make a visualforce page.That will show content according to you. Then make visualforce tab using this page. This tab should be 'default on' in a customer portal profile and  also enable apex class and visualforce page in a assigned customer portal profile.


for adding this  

Customize -> customer portal -> settings -> click on portal - > click on profile in a Assigned profile - > enable apex / visualforce page( at the bottom ot the page). 



Please mark this as solution for others to get it easily. 


Thank You.