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XML Parsing Documentation



Can anyone tell me where to find some quality documention on parsing XML with apex. I have no experience in parsing XML, so some detailed walkthrough's would be very helpful.



Best Answer chosen by Admin (Salesforce Developers) 

They include an entire code block on how to read XML files. If you get stuck, feel free to ask and we'll see what we can do to help you out.

All Answers


They include an entire code block on how to read XML files. If you get stuck, feel free to ask and we'll see what we can do to help you out.
This was selected as the best answer
Thank you for the documentation sfdcfox, it was very helpful and easy to understand.
Appreciate it!
Ramakrishnan AyyanarRamakrishnan Ayyanar
I created one simple XML Parsing.I have Used one VF page and Apex Class.It's parsing correctly ...

VF Page:

<apex:page Controller="Xmlparsar">

<apex:form >
        <apex:pageBlock >
            <apex:pageBlockButtons location="bottom">
                <apex:commandButton value="Parse Xml" action="{!Parsexml}" />  
                <apex:commandButton value="ParseXML File" action="{!Parsexmlfile}"/>
            <apex:inputTextArea value="{!xmlstring}" style="width:336px;height:260px;"/> &nbsp;&nbsp;
            <apex:inputTextArea value="{!outxmlstring}" style="width:336px;height:260px;" id="response"/><br/>

            <apex:outputLabel value="Select Xml File" for="file"/>
            <apex:inputFile fileName="{!fileName}" value="{!body}"/>

Apex Class:

public  class Xmlparsar
    //xml string
    public String xmlstring{get;set;}
    //display xml string
    public String outxmlstring{get;set;}
    public String rootElement{get;set;}
    public String filename{get;set;}
    public blob body{get;set;}
    public Xmlparsar()
//Parsing xml what you entered in the left text area
    public pagereference Parsexml()
       DOM.Document xmlDOC = new DOM.Document();
       DOM.XMLNode rootElement = xmlDOC.getRootElement();
       for(DOM.XMLNode xmlnodeobj:xmlDOC.getRootElement().getChildElements())
       return null;
    //loading the child elements
    private void loadChilds(DOM.XMLNode xmlnode)
        for(Dom.XMLNode child : xmlnode.getChildElements())
          if(child.getText()!= null)
          outxmlstring+='\n'+child.getName()+': '+child.getText();
//This is for parsing xml file what you selected
  public pagereference Parsexmlfile()
       DOM.Document xmlDOC = new DOM.Document();
       DOM.XMLNode rootElement = xmlDOC.getRootElement();
       outxmlstring=String.valueof(xmlDOC.getRootElement().getName());//gives you root element Name
       for(DOM.XMLNode xmlnodeobj:xmlDOC.getRootElement().getChildElements())
      return null;
Ramakrishnan AyyanarRamakrishnan Ayyanar
I created one simple XML Parsing.I have Used one VF page and Apex Class.It's parsing correctly ...

VF Page:

<apex:page Controller="Xmlparsar">

<apex:form >
        <apex:pageBlock >
            <apex:pageBlockButtons location="bottom">
                <apex:commandButton value="Parse Xml" action="{!Parsexml}" />  
                <apex:commandButton value="ParseXML File" action="{!Parsexmlfile}"/>
            <apex:inputTextArea value="{!xmlstring}" style="width:336px;height:260px;"/> &nbsp;&nbsp;
            <apex:inputTextArea value="{!outxmlstring}" style="width:336px;height:260px;" id="response"/><br/>

            <apex:outputLabel value="Select Xml File" for="file"/>
            <apex:inputFile fileName="{!fileName}" value="{!body}"/>

Apex Class:

public  class Xmlparsar
    //xml string
    public String xmlstring{get;set;}
    //display xml string
    public String outxmlstring{get;set;}
    public String rootElement{get;set;}
    public String filename{get;set;}
    public blob body{get;set;}
    public Xmlparsar()
//Parsing xml what you entered in the left text area
    public pagereference Parsexml()
       DOM.Document xmlDOC = new DOM.Document();
       DOM.XMLNode rootElement = xmlDOC.getRootElement();
       for(DOM.XMLNode xmlnodeobj:xmlDOC.getRootElement().getChildElements())
       return null;
    //loading the child elements
    private void loadChilds(DOM.XMLNode xmlnode)
        for(Dom.XMLNode child : xmlnode.getChildElements())
          if(child.getText()!= null)
          outxmlstring+='\n'+child.getName()+': '+child.getText();
//This is for parsing xml file what you selected
  public pagereference Parsexmlfile()
       DOM.Document xmlDOC = new DOM.Document();
       DOM.XMLNode rootElement = xmlDOC.getRootElement();
       outxmlstring=String.valueof(xmlDOC.getRootElement().getName());//gives you root element Name
       for(DOM.XMLNode xmlnodeobj:xmlDOC.getRootElement().getChildElements())
      return null;
s shekars shekar
hi i am new to salesforce .the above code i executed that but what file exactly i need to upload and what type of result i will get ?whether it will convert xml file to apex or what?

can  u once tell me?

thanks in advance
Ramakrishnan AyyanarRamakrishnan Ayyanar

 You will need to upload the xml file .

 like as test.xml file.

Hi Ramakrishnan Ayyanar,

 I used your code to parse the XML file. It is working fine.
 Now, i would like to throw error message if the xml file is not chosen and the command button "Parse XML File" is clicked.
 Could you please share the code for the same.

Thanks !!