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How to Bulkify a Trigger
I recently wrote a trigger that when a Task with a certain subject is closed, create a new follow up task. Everything was working fine until one of my users bulk loaded a few hundred records and I received an error message. Now I need to bulkify this trigger and have no idea how.
trigger Send_Qtrly_Update_02_v02 on Task (after insert, after update) { for (Task t :{ // Today's Date plus 90 days for scheduling next call DateTime dT =; Date myDate = date.newinstance(dT.year(), dT.month(),; // Today's Date for updating the Last_Outreach_Call_Made__c field on the Provider_Facility__c record. DateTime dT1 =; Date TodayDate = date.newinstance(dT1.year(), dT1.month(),; // Step 1 - Get the Outreach_Agent__c id to assign the task too. This logic is used incase the Outreach value on the Provider // Facilty changes in the future. For (Provider_Facility__c prov: [ Select id, Outreach_Agent__c from Provider_Facility__c Where id =: t.whatid]){ // Now Check to see if the Task meets the right citeria if (t.Subject == 'Quarterly Outreach Call' && t.IsClosed==True) { // Insert a recurring task Task t1 = new task(Whatid=t.whatid, Subject='Quarterly Outreach Call', ActivityDate=myDate, Ownerid=prov.Outreach_Agent__c ); insert t1; // Update the Last_Outreach_Call_Made__c field on the Provider_Facility__c record Provider_Facility__c prov01 = New Provider_Facility__c(id=t.WhatId, Last_Outreach_Call_Made__c=TodayDate); Update prov01; }} } }
Can someone point me in the right direction on how to do this?
Any help would be much appreciated. It seems like everytime I learn how to do something, I need to re-learn it to better fit the Apex framework.
This encompasses all of the best practices I could think of:
* Use a map instead of querying inside a loop.
* Don't use extra variables if you can avoid it.
* Prefilter to find records you will be operating on.
This code is basically what I call the "aggregate-query-update" pattern. First, I gather together all the values I need, then I query for them, and then I perform updates based on the queried data. This is the most common form of a trigger, so learning this pattern will make sure your code is always bulkified.
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This encompasses all of the best practices I could think of:
* Use a map instead of querying inside a loop.
* Don't use extra variables if you can avoid it.
* Prefilter to find records you will be operating on.
This code is basically what I call the "aggregate-query-update" pattern. First, I gather together all the values I need, then I query for them, and then I perform updates based on the queried data. This is the most common form of a trigger, so learning this pattern will make sure your code is always bulkified.
Thankd for you help sfdcfox, but I am getting an error message:
Error: Invalid Data.
Review all error messages below to correct your data.
Apex trigger Send_Qtrly_Update_02_02 caused an unexpected exception, contact your administrator: Send_Qtrly_Update_02_02: execution of AfterUpdate caused by: System.DmlException: Insert failed. First exception on row 0; first error: CANNOT_INSERT_UPDATE_ACTIVATE_ENTITY, Send_Qtrly_Update_02_02: maximum trigger depth exceeded Task trigger event AfterUpdate for [00TW0000006KTi0] Task trigger event AfterInsert for [00TW0000006KTie] Task trigger event AfterInsert for [00TW0000006KTif] Task trigger event AfterInsert for [00TW0000006KTig] Task trigger event AfterInsert for [00TW0000006KTih] Task trigger event AfterInsert for [00TW0000006KTii] Task trigger event AfterInsert for [00TW0000006KTij] Task trigger event AfterInsert for [00TW0000006KTik] Task trigger event AfterInsert for [00TW0000006KTil] Task trigger event AfterInsert for [00TW0000006KTim] Task trigger event AfterInsert for [00TW0000006KTin] Task trigger event AfterInsert for [00TW0000006KTio] Task trigger event AfterInsert for [00TW0000006KTip] Task trigger event AfterInsert for [00TW0000006KTiq] Task trigger event AfterInsert for [00TW0000006KTir] Task trigger event AfterInsert for [00TW0000006KTis]: []: Trigger.Send_Qtrly_Update_02_02: line 31, column 1
Any thoughts?
And can you explain what this is doing:
&& record.whatid.getsobjecttype()==provider_facility__c.sobjecttype
in line 13?
Thanks again.
2) The ID class (a primitive object) has a method called getSObjectType(). Basically, it returns an SObjectType (such as Account, Opportunity, etc). This particular fragment returns "false" if WhatId isn't a Provider_Facility__c ID (e.g. if it happens to be an Opportunity).
Thansk sfdcfox. I had to "tweak" it a little, but I got it working!