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How to retain the value of audit fields while migrating data from one org to another

I am  migrating data from one salesforce org to another. I want to retain the value of the audit fileds i.e. created by, last modified by, created date and last modified date. I have raised a case with support and they have enabled this but still I am not able to send the values of the audit fields. If anyone have any solutions for this please share.




It only works on data inserts, not updates; you have to delete the records and re-insert them.

thanks sfdcfox for the reply. As suggessted by you I have deleted all the records but my concern is how will I send the values of audit fields using apex script when I first insert the reocrds in the target org as  I do not see the mapping for the audit fields in S2S.


Actaully There is some limitation of S2S.

As per Salesforce doc , System audit fields are not yet supported.

For Details please refer