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1-to-many - determine when done with entering many

I have a typical 1-to-many, a header form with detail lines.


Standard forms, not VFP.


User enters data to the header. Saves.


Then enters detail lines.


Then the user is done.


How do I tell when the user is done? I need to run some code when the user completes the detail lines.


What I'm looking for is the equivalent of an event firing when the user moves off of the header record.


Any ideas?



Best Answer chosen by Admin (Salesforce Developers) 
Within standard, there's no way to determine this, especially when using things like the service console. You'll have to resort to Visualforce.

All Answers

Within standard, there's no way to determine this, especially when using things like the service console. You'll have to resort to Visualforce.
This was selected as the best answer

Figures. Bummer.

Not a problem though.

I'll put my end-of-order processing at the detail line level.

So what if it executes more than once !