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Cross-site Scripting (XSS) in security review.?

I am getting Cross-site Scripting (XSS) while scanning in scanner.if i remove javascript there is no error..what to change in javascript code..please help its quite urgent...may be encode something...


    public meetingCtlr1(ApexPages.StandardController controller) 
      conRecList=[Select id,name,email from contact where Accountid=:accid];

conRecList on VF page

I have used this in javascript on VF page
    for(var i=0;i<{!conRecList.size};i++)
    var id='thePage:theform:thePB:conTable:'+i+':'+checkboxid;
May be a red herring, but your code has at least one problem... the loop needs braces to be correct. The scope of id is in the loop, but the assignment of the check box is outside the loop. Try fixing the code. You may need to use jsencode to satisfy the scanner, but this is unnecessary for a successful review.

braces aren't a issue..i missed it while copy pasting..


{!JSINHTMLENCODE(conRecList.size)} gives me to satisfy this condition that will satisfy the scanner :
Incorrect argument type for function 'JSINHTMLENCODE()'


Can you have a look what i have done conReclist.Size always returns an to encode it...

please help..!!!

Bhawani SharmaBhawani Sharma
Create a public variable to hold list size and use it in javascript with

thanks for replying...but still its not working...


var listSize={!conRecList.size};
  function checkVisitor(bool, checkboxid)
        for(var i=0;i<listSize;i++)
          var id='thePage:theform:thePB:conTable:'+i+':'+checkboxid;

 if i use for(var i=0;i<JSENCODE(listSize);i++)


code is saving with no errors but functionality is not working...can you suggest...


Hi Miku,


Please use this code. Hope this will work for you.



var listSize=escape({!conRecList.size});
  function checkVisitor(bool, checkboxid)
        for(var i=0;i<listSize;i++)
          var id='thePage:theform:thePB:conTable:'+i+':'+checkboxid;



Please mark this as soluiont if it helps you.






Salesforce Developer, Salesforce Administrator

Bhawani SharmaBhawani Sharma
initialize listSize in your controller class and use it on page