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Fields won't populate after sandbox refresh

I did a sandbox refresh today and before I did it, my fields were populating just fine (in the test environment) and now they aren't. All the classes were backed up and now recreated and I can't seem to find anything wrong with the code. The code saves fine, and has 98% coverage. This field population problem requires some triggers, a schedulable class, a batchable class, a test class, and then the Contact_RollupTrades Class itself. If you need these other pieces of code I can provide them. Please have a look at this code and see if you can find anything wrong with it.


public class Contact_RollupTrades {
    public Contact[] contactOldList { set; get; }
    public Contact[] contactNewList { set; get; }
    public Contact_Setting__c setting { set; get; }
    public Contact_RollupTrades(Contact[] contactOldList, Contact[] contactNewList) {
        this.contactOldList = contactOldList == null ? new Contact[] {} : contactOldList.clone();
        this.contactNewList = contactNewList == null ? new Contact[] {} : contactNewList.clone();
        this.setting = Contact_Setting__c.getInstance();
        this.setting = setting == null ? new Contact_Setting__c() : setting;
    public void execute() {
        if (setting.Disable_Contact_Rollup__c == true)
        Contact[] contactUpdateableList = new Contact[] {};
        for(Contact contactNew : contactNewList) {
            if (contactNew == null || contact.Id == null)
            if (contactNew.Rollup_Trades__c != null)
    public void execute(Contact[] contactList) {
        if (contactList == null || contactList.size() == 0)
        // Reset contacts
        Map<Id, Contact> contactListMap = new Map<Id, Contact>(contactList);
        for(Contact contact : contactList) {
            contact.Total_NIOR_I_Sales__c = 0;
            contact.Total_NIOR_I_Shares__c = 0;
            contact.YTD_NIOR_I_Sales__c = 0;
            contact.YTD_NIOR_I_Shares__c = 0;
            contact.QTD_NIOR_I_Sales__c = 0;
            contact.QTD_NIOR_I_Shares__c = 0;
            contact.MTD_NIOR_I_Sales__c = 0;
            contact.MTD_NIOR_I_Shares__c = 0;
            contact.PY_NIOR_I_Sales__c = 0;
            contact.PY_NIOR_I_Shares__c = 0;
            contact.Total_NS_REIT_Sales__c = 0;
            contact.Total_NS_REIT_Shares__c = 0;
            contact.YTD_NS_REIT_Sales__c = 0;
            contact.YTD_NS_REIT_Shares__c = 0;
            contact.QTD_NS_REIT_Sales__c = 0;
            contact.QTD_NS_REIT_Shares__c = 0;
            contact.MTD_NS_REIT_Sales__c = 0;
            contact.MTD_NS_REIT_Shares__c = 0;
            contact.PY_NS_REIT_Sales__c = 0;
            contact.PY_NS_REIT_Shares__c = 0;
            contact.Total_NS_HIT_Sales__c = 0;
            contact.Total_NS_HIT_Shares__c = 0;
            contact.YTD_NS_HIT_Sales__c = 0;
            contact.YTD_NS_HIT_Shares__c = 0;
            contact.QTD_NS_HIT_Sales__c = 0;
            contact.QTD_NS_HIT_Shares__c = 0;
            contact.MTD_NS_HIT_Sales__c = 0;
            contact.MTD_NS_HIT_Shares__c = 0;
            contact.PY_NS_HIT_Sales__c = 0;
            contact.PY_NS_HIT_Shares__c = 0;
            contact.Rollup_Trades__c =;
        // Roll up the trades based on the Resolved Firm Trading ID field
        Trades__c[] tradesList = [
            select Dollar_Amount_of_the_transaction__c
                 , Fund_Number__c
                 , Number_of_Shares_of_the_transaction__c
				 , Resolved_Firm_Trading_ID__c
				 , Resolved_Firm_Trading_IDs__c
				 , Resolved_to_Rep_Trading_ID__c
                 , Trade_Date__c
              from Trades__c
             where Resolved_Firm_Trading_IDs__c in :contactList
               and Fund_Number__c in ('3910', '3911', '3912')       // NIOR I; NS REIT; NS HIT
               and Dollar_Amount_of_the_transaction__c != null      // prevents null pointers below
               and Number_of_Shares_of_the_transaction__c != null   // prevents null pointers below
               and Trade_Date__c != null                            // prevents null pointers below
               // Negative values are ignored for roll-up purposes
               and Dollar_Amount_of_the_transaction__c >= 0
               and Number_of_Shares_of_the_transaction__c >= 0
        // Nothing to do?
        if (tradesList.size() == 0)
        // Update contacts
        for(Trades__c trades : tradesList) {
            Contact account = contactListMap.get(trades.Resolved_Firm_Trading_IDs__c);
            if (account == null || trades == null || trades.Trade_Date__c == null)
            else if ('3910'.equals(trades.Fund_Number__c))
                processFund_3910(account, trades);
            else if ('3911'.equals(trades.Fund_Number__c))
                processFund_3911(account, trades);
            else if ('3912'.equals(trades.Fund_Number__c))
                processFund_3912(account, trades);
    void processFund_3910(Contact contact, Trades__c trades) {
        system.assert(null != contact);
        system.assert(null != trades);
        system.assert(null != trades.Trade_Date__c);
        Boolean isYTD = ( == trades.Trade_Date__c.year());
        Boolean isMTD = ( == trades.Trade_Date__c.month()) && isYTD;
        Boolean isQTD = ((( - 1) / 3) + 1) == (((trades.Trade_Date__c.month() - 1) / 3) + 1) && isYTD;
        Boolean isPY = (( - 1) == trades.Trade_Date__c.year());
        Boolean isTotal = true;
        // YTD
        if (isYTD) {
            contact.YTD_NIOR_I_Sales__c += trades.Dollar_Amount_of_the_transaction__c;
            contact.YTD_NIOR_I_Shares__c += trades.Number_of_Shares_of_the_transaction__c;
        // QTD
        if (isQTD) {
            contact.QTD_NIOR_I_Sales__c += trades.Dollar_Amount_of_the_transaction__c;
            contact.QTD_NIOR_I_Shares__c += trades.Number_of_Shares_of_the_transaction__c;
        // MTD
        if (isMTD) {
            contact.MTD_NIOR_I_Sales__c += trades.Dollar_Amount_of_the_transaction__c;
            contact.MTD_NIOR_I_Shares__c += trades.Number_of_Shares_of_the_transaction__c;
        if (isPY) {
            contact.PY_NIOR_I_Sales__c += trades.Dollar_Amount_of_the_transaction__c;
            contact.PY_NIOR_I_Shares__c += trades.Number_of_Shares_of_the_transaction__c;
        if (isTotal) {
            contact.Total_NIOR_I_Sales__c += trades.Dollar_Amount_of_the_transaction__c;
            contact.Total_NIOR_I_Shares__c += trades.Number_of_Shares_of_the_transaction__c;

    void processFund_3911(Contact contact, Trades__c trades) {
        system.assert(null != contact);
        system.assert(null != trades);
        system.assert(null != trades.Trade_Date__c);
        Boolean isYTD = ( == trades.Trade_Date__c.year());
        Boolean isMTD = ( == trades.Trade_Date__c.month()) && isYTD;
        Boolean isQTD = ((( - 1) / 3) + 1) == (((trades.Trade_Date__c.month() - 1) / 3) + 1) && isYTD;
        Boolean isPY = (( - 1) == trades.Trade_Date__c.year());
        Boolean isTotal = true;
        // YTD
        if (isYTD) {
            contact.YTD_NS_REIT_Sales__c += trades.Dollar_Amount_of_the_transaction__c;
            contact.YTD_NS_REIT_Shares__c += trades.Number_of_Shares_of_the_transaction__c;
        // QTD
        if (isQTD) {
            contact.QTD_NS_REIT_Sales__c += trades.Dollar_Amount_of_the_transaction__c;
            contact.QTD_NS_REIT_Shares__c += trades.Number_of_Shares_of_the_transaction__c;
        // MTD
        if (isMTD) {
            contact.MTD_NS_REIT_Sales__c += trades.Dollar_Amount_of_the_transaction__c;
            contact.MTD_NS_REIT_Shares__c += trades.Number_of_Shares_of_the_transaction__c;
        if (isPY) {
            contact.PY_NS_REIT_Sales__c += trades.Dollar_Amount_of_the_transaction__c;
            contact.PY_NS_REIT_Shares__c += trades.Number_of_Shares_of_the_transaction__c;
        if (isTotal) {
            contact.Total_NS_REIT_Sales__c += trades.Dollar_Amount_of_the_transaction__c;
            contact.Total_NS_REIT_Shares__c += trades.Number_of_Shares_of_the_transaction__c;
    void processFund_3912(Contact contact, Trades__c trades) {
        system.assert(null != contact);
        system.assert(null != trades);
        system.assert(null != trades.Trade_Date__c);
        Boolean isYTD = ( == trades.Trade_Date__c.year());
        Boolean isMTD = ( == trades.Trade_Date__c.month()) && isYTD;
        Boolean isQTD = ((( - 1) / 3) + 1) == (((trades.Trade_Date__c.month() - 1) / 3) + 1) && isYTD;
        Boolean isPY = (( - 1) == trades.Trade_Date__c.year());
        Boolean isTotal = true;
        // YTD
        if (isYTD) {
            contact.YTD_NS_HIT_Sales__c += trades.Dollar_Amount_of_the_transaction__c;
            contact.YTD_NS_HIT_Shares__c += trades.Number_of_Shares_of_the_transaction__c;
        // QTD
        if (isQTD) {
            contact.QTD_NS_HIT_Sales__c += trades.Dollar_Amount_of_the_transaction__c;
            contact.QTD_NS_HIT_Shares__c += trades.Number_of_Shares_of_the_transaction__c;
        // MTD
        if (isMTD) {
            contact.MTD_NS_HIT_Sales__c += trades.Dollar_Amount_of_the_transaction__c;
            contact.MTD_NS_HIT_Shares__c += trades.Number_of_Shares_of_the_transaction__c;
        if (isPY) {
            contact.PY_NS_HIT_Sales__c += trades.Dollar_Amount_of_the_transaction__c;
            contact.PY_NS_HIT_Shares__c += trades.Number_of_Shares_of_the_transaction__c;
        if (isTotal) {
            contact.Total_NS_HIT_Sales__c += trades.Dollar_Amount_of_the_transaction__c;
            contact.Total_NS_HIT_Shares__c += trades.Number_of_Shares_of_the_transaction__c;

 I create a new trade, and it's not populating in the Contact, but it will populate in the National Accounts page which is the source of the code I used for the Contact page.

Suresh RaghuramSuresh Raghuram
after doing the sandbox refresh you will lose all the date you created in the sandbox. check weather do u have all the data required or not. IF not recreate the records that suit to the desired output.

If this answers your question make this as a solution and give kudos plz.
Hengky IlawanHengky Ilawan



Is the Contact_Setting__c a Custom Setting?

Could it be the reason because when refreshing a  sandbox (developer and configuration only), the data will not be copied over?





Hi Hengky,


I thought that could've been the problem as well, but unfortunately it wasn't as the Contact_Setting__c was copied over from production. Disable_Contact_Rollup__c is also a custom check box field within that setting. I'm still not finding anything wrong with my code.


Here is part of the Test code with the equations removed, it says 98% coverage so hopefully it's not what's wrong...


public class Contact_RollupTradesTest {
    public static Contact contactUpdate { set; get; }
    public static final String FUND_NUMBER_NIOR_I = '3910';
    public static final String FUND_NUMBER_NS_REIT = '3911';
    public static final String FUND_NUMBER_NS_HIT = '3912';
    public static void test(String fundNumber, Date tradeDate, Decimal totalAmount, Decimal totalShares) {
        // Force tests to run
        if (Contact_Setting__c.getInstance() == null)
  		upsert new Contact_Setting__c (SetupOwnerId=UserInfo.getOrganizationId());
        Contact_Setting__c setting = Contact_Setting__c.getInstance();
        setting = setting == null ? new Contact_Setting__c() : setting;
        setting.Disable_Contact_Rollup__c = false;
        upsert setting;
	Account acc = new Account(Name= 'test');
	insert acc;
	contactUpdate = new Contact (Accountid =, LastName = 'TestLastName');
        insert contactUpdate;
        Account accountLocal = new Account();
        accountLocal.Name = 'Local Account';
        accountLocal.ParentId = accountLocal.Id;
        insert accountLocal;
        Contact contact = new Contact();
        contact.FirstName = 'FirstName';
        contact.LastName = 'LastName';
        contact.AccountId = accountLocal.Id;
        insert contact;
        Trades__c trades = new Trades__c();
        trades.Fund_Number__c = fundNumber;
        trades.Number_of_Shares_of_the_transaction__c = totalShares;
        trades.Dollar_Amount_of_the_transaction__c = totalAmount;
        trades.Trade_Date__c = tradeDate;
        trades.Posting_Date__c = tradeDate;
        trades.Resolved_to_Rep_Trading_ID__c = contact.Id;
        trades.Resolved_Office_Trading_ID__c = accountLocal.Id;
        trades.Resolved_Firm_Trading_IDs__c = contactUpdate.Id;
        insert trades;

    public static void testGovernorLimits() {
        // Force tests to run
        Account_Setting__c setting = Account_Setting__c.getInstance();
        setting = setting == null ? new Account_Setting__c() : setting;
        setting.Disable_RollupTrades__c = false;
        upsert setting;
        Account[] accountList = new Account[] {};
        for(Integer i = 0; i < 20; i++) {
            Account account = new Account();
            account.Name = 'National Account';
        insert accountList;
        Contact[] contactList = new Contact[] {};
        for(Integer i = 0; i < 20; i++) {
            Contact contact = new Contact();
            contact.FirstName = 'FirstName';
            contact.LastName = 'LastName';
            contact.AccountId = accountList[i].Id;
        insert contactList;
        // Trades
        Trades__c[] tradesInsertList = new Trades__c[] {};
        Integer MAX_COUNT = 500;
        for(Integer i = 0; i < MAX_COUNT; i++) {
            // Random account
            Integer index = math.floor(math.random() * 20).intValue();
            Trades__c trades = new Trades__c();
            trades.Fund_Number__c = FUND_NUMBER_NIOR_I;
            trades.Number_of_Shares_of_the_transaction__c = 10.0;
            trades.Dollar_Amount_of_the_transaction__c = 100.0;
            trades.Trade_Date__c =;
            trades.Posting_Date__c =;
            trades.Resolved_to_Rep_Trading_ID__c = contactList[index].Id;
            trades.Resolved_Office_Trading_ID__c = null;
            trades.Resolved_Firm_Trading_ID__c = accountList[index].Id;
        insert tradesInsertList;
    public static Contact reselect(Contact contact) {
        return [
            select Name
                 , Total_NIOR_I_Sales__c
                 , Total_NIOR_I_Shares__c
                 , YTD_NIOR_I_Sales__c
                 , YTD_NIOR_I_Shares__c
                 , QTD_NIOR_I_Sales__c
                 , QTD_NIOR_I_Shares__c
                 , MTD_NIOR_I_Sales__c
                 , MTD_NIOR_I_Shares__c
                 , PY_NIOR_I_Sales__c
                 , PY_NIOR_I_Shares__c
                 , Total_NS_REIT_Sales__c
                 , Total_NS_REIT_Shares__c
                 , YTD_NS_REIT_Sales__c
                 , YTD_NS_REIT_Shares__c
                 , QTD_NS_REIT_Sales__c
                 , QTD_NS_REIT_Shares__c
                 , MTD_NS_REIT_Sales__c
                 , MTD_NS_REIT_Shares__c
                 , PY_NS_REIT_Sales__c
                 , PY_NS_REIT_Shares__c
                 , Total_NS_HIT_Sales__c
                 , Total_NS_HIT_Shares__c
                 , YTD_NS_HIT_Sales__c
                 , YTD_NS_HIT_Shares__c
                 , QTD_NS_HIT_Sales__c
                 , QTD_NS_HIT_Shares__c
                 , MTD_NS_HIT_Sales__c
                 , MTD_NS_HIT_Shares__c
                 , PY_NS_HIT_Sales__c
                 , PY_NS_HIT_Shares__c
              from Contact
             where Id = :contact.Id
             limit 1


Hengky IlawanHengky Ilawan

Could you post your trigger as well?



Trigger for Contact_RollupTrades:

trigger Contact_RollupTrades on Contact (before update) {
  new Contact_RollupTrades(trigger.old,;

Trades_CascadeContacts Class:

public class Trades_CascadeContacts {
    public Trades__c[] tradesOldList { set; get; }
    public Trades__c[] tradesNewList { set; get; }
    public Map<Id, Trades__c> tradesOldListMap { set; get; }
    public Trades_CascadeContacts(Trades__c[] tradesOldList, Trades__c[] tradesNewList) {
        this.tradesNewList = tradesNewList == null ? new Trades__c[] {} : tradesNewList.clone();
        this.tradesOldList = tradesOldList == null ? new Trades__c[] {} : tradesOldList.clone();
        this.tradesOldListMap = new Map<Id, Trades__c>(this.tradesOldList);
    public void execute() {
        Set<Id> tradesContactIds = new Set<Id> {};
        for(Trades__c tradesNew : tradesNewList) {
            Trades__c tradesOld = tradesOldListMap.get(tradesNew.Id);
            tradesOld = tradesOld == null ? new Trades__c() : tradesOld;
        if (tradesContactIds.size() == 0)
        Contact[] contactList = new Contact[] {};
        for(Id contactId : tradesContactIds) {
            if (contactId == null)
            Contact contact = new Contact(Id = contactId);
            contact.Rollup_Trades__c = null;
        update contactList;

Trades_CascadeContacts Trigger:

trigger Trades_CascadeContacts on Trades__c (after delete, after insert, after undelete, after update) {
      Trades__c[] tradesOldList = trigger.IsDelete ? null : trigger.old;
        Trades__c[] tradesNewList = trigger.IsDelete ? trigger.old :;
        new Trades_CascadeContacts(tradesOldList, tradesNewList).execute();



The Batchable and Schedulable Class:


global class Contact_RollupTradesBatchable implements Database.Batchable<sObject>, Database.Stateful {
    global Database.QueryLocator start(Database.BatchableContext batchableContext){
        return Database.getQueryLocator('select Id from Contact where ReportsToId = null'); //ParentId failed in production; use workbench to use correct metadata
    global void execute(Database.BatchableContext batchableContext, Contact[] contactList) {
        for(Contact contact : contactList)
            contact.Rollup_Trades__c = null;
              update contactList;
    global void finish(Database.BatchableContext batchableContext) {

global class Contact_RollupTradesSchedulable implements Schedulable {
    global void execute(SchedulableContext schedulableContext) {
        Database.executeBatch(new Contact_RollupTradesBatchable(), 10);

 Let me know if you need anything else. The trigger is brief, but it worked before and it follows the same format as the Account_RollupTrades


Could you try looking at the debug logs and verifying the operation of GetInstance on the custom setting?


I'm seeing a case where even though the custom setting is present (when using manage custom settings), GetInstance returns null after a sandbox refresh.  I know of at least one other person who is seeing this issue as well.

