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Time dependent workflow action



    How to send  time dependent workflow email alert when a record is created based on birth day every year that particular date will it fire? shall i use workflows time trigger? I have created a formula field like day, month of birthday field and yea is current year for example birthday field is "03-02-1983" the formula field returns "03-02-2013" but work flow schedule that month but current mont is may,2013 how to schedule future?


Help me


Thank you

Maros SitkoMaros Sitko

You can create 2 workflow

first one:

will need one date filed, which you say this date will be send email.

This workflow will update your new date field everytime birthday will be updated, you will need recalculate this field (for example the same day, month and current year (or next) depand if new date is before today or after.

So if I set birthday at 4.7.1987, this field will be 4.7.2013



will fire at time when new date field is today. It send email and then update this field with add one year.

So after fired trigger field will be updated to 4.7.2014


I do not try it, it is only teory


Bhawani SharmaBhawani Sharma
I would say to create a schedule job instead of batch. This scheduler will run on nightly basis and will send the email to the user who are having B'day today.