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Changing class to Dynamic Apex

Hey I'm trying to correct some old code that is hitting governor limits for when we try and post our trades to SF. The last class we changed to Dynamic Apex and it seems to work fine, so I was hoping someone could help me do it again as I'm not experienced enough yet.



Trades_CascadeAccounts: System.LimitException: Too many code statements: 200001


Main Class:

public class Account_RollupTrades {
    public Account[] accountOldList { set; get; }
    public Account[] accountNewList { set; get; }
    public Account_Setting__c setting { set; get; }
    public Account_RollupTrades(Account[] accountOldList, Account[] accountNewList) {
        this.accountOldList = accountOldList == null ? new Account[] {} : accountOldList.clone();
        this.accountNewList = accountNewList == null ? new Account[] {} : accountNewList.clone();
        this.setting = Account_Setting__c.getInstance();
        this.setting = setting == null ? new Account_Setting__c() : setting;
    public void execute() {
        if (setting.Disable_RollupTrades__c == true)
        Account[] accountUpdateableList = new Account[] {};
        for(Account accountNew : accountNewList) {
            if (accountNew == null || account.Id == null)
            if (accountNew.Rollup_Trades__c != null)
    public void execute(Account[] accountList) {
        if (accountList == null || accountList.size() == 0)
        // Reset accounts
        Map<Id, Account> accountListMap = new Map<Id, Account>(accountList);
        for(Account account : accountList) {
            account.Total_NIOR_I_Sales__c = 0;
            account.Total_NIOR_I_Shares__c = 0;
            account.YTD_NIOR_I_Sales__c = 0;
            account.YTD_NIOR_I_Shares__c = 0;
            account.QTD_NIOR_I_Sales__c = 0;
            account.QTD_NIOR_I_Shares__c = 0;
            account.MTD_NIOR_I_Sales__c = 0;
            account.MTD_NIOR_I_Shares__c = 0;
            account.PY_NIOR_I_Sales__c = 0;
            account.PY_NIOR_I_Shares__c = 0;
            account.Total_NS_REIT_Sales__c = 0;
            account.Total_NS_REIT_Shares__c = 0;
            account.YTD_NS_REIT_Sales__c = 0;
            account.YTD_NS_REIT_Shares__c = 0;
            account.QTD_NS_REIT_Sales__c = 0;
            account.QTD_NS_REIT_Shares__c = 0;
            account.MTD_NS_REIT_Sales__c = 0;
            account.MTD_NS_REIT_Shares__c = 0;
            account.PY_NS_REIT_Sales__c = 0;
            account.PY_NS_REIT_Shares__c = 0;
            account.Total_NS_HIT_Sales__c = 0;
            account.Total_NS_HIT_Shares__c = 0;
            account.YTD_NS_HIT_Sales__c = 0;
            account.YTD_NS_HIT_Shares__c = 0;
            account.QTD_NS_HIT_Sales__c = 0;
            account.QTD_NS_HIT_Shares__c = 0;
            account.MTD_NS_HIT_Sales__c = 0;
            account.MTD_NS_HIT_Shares__c = 0;
            account.PY_NS_HIT_Sales__c = 0;
            account.PY_NS_HIT_Shares__c = 0;
            account.Rollup_Trades__c =;
        // Roll up the trades based on the Resolved Firm Trading ID field
        Trades__c[] tradesList = [
            select Dollar_Amount_of_the_transaction__c
                 , Fund_Number__c
                 , Number_of_Shares_of_the_transaction__c
                 , Resolved_Firm_Trading_ID__c
                 , Trade_Date__c
              from Trades__c
             where Resolved_Firm_Trading_ID__c in :accountList
               and Fund_Number__c in ('3910', '3911', '3912')       // NIOR I; NS REIT; NS HIT
               and Dollar_Amount_of_the_transaction__c != null      // prevents null pointers below
               and Number_of_Shares_of_the_transaction__c != null   // prevents null pointers below
               and Trade_Date__c != null                            // prevents null pointers below
               // Negative values are ignored for roll-up purposes
               and Dollar_Amount_of_the_transaction__c >= 0
               and Number_of_Shares_of_the_transaction__c >= 0
        // Nothing to do?
        if (tradesList.size() == 0)
        // Update accounts
        for(Trades__c trades : tradesList) {
            Account account = accountListMap.get(trades.Resolved_Firm_Trading_ID__c);
            if (account == null || trades == null || trades.Trade_Date__c == null)
            else if ('3910'.equals(trades.Fund_Number__c))
                processFund_3910(account, trades);
            else if ('3911'.equals(trades.Fund_Number__c))
                processFund_3911(account, trades);
            else if ('3912'.equals(trades.Fund_Number__c))
                processFund_3912(account, trades);
    void processFund_3910(Account account, Trades__c trades) {
        system.assert(null != account);
        system.assert(null != trades);
        system.assert(null != trades.Trade_Date__c);
        Boolean isYTD = ( == trades.Trade_Date__c.year());
        Boolean isMTD = ( == trades.Trade_Date__c.month()) && isYTD;
        Boolean isQTD = ((( - 1) / 3) + 1) == (((trades.Trade_Date__c.month() - 1) / 3) + 1) && isYTD;
        Boolean isPY = (( - 1) == trades.Trade_Date__c.year());
        Boolean isTotal = true;
        // YTD
        if (isYTD) {
            account.YTD_NIOR_I_Sales__c += trades.Dollar_Amount_of_the_transaction__c;
            account.YTD_NIOR_I_Shares__c += trades.Number_of_Shares_of_the_transaction__c;
        // QTD
        if (isQTD) {
            account.QTD_NIOR_I_Sales__c += trades.Dollar_Amount_of_the_transaction__c;
            account.QTD_NIOR_I_Shares__c += trades.Number_of_Shares_of_the_transaction__c;
        // MTD
        if (isMTD) {
            account.MTD_NIOR_I_Sales__c += trades.Dollar_Amount_of_the_transaction__c;
            account.MTD_NIOR_I_Shares__c += trades.Number_of_Shares_of_the_transaction__c;
        if (isPY) {
            account.PY_NIOR_I_Sales__c += trades.Dollar_Amount_of_the_transaction__c;
            account.PY_NIOR_I_Shares__c += trades.Number_of_Shares_of_the_transaction__c;
        if (isTotal) {
            account.Total_NIOR_I_Sales__c += trades.Dollar_Amount_of_the_transaction__c;
            account.Total_NIOR_I_Shares__c += trades.Number_of_Shares_of_the_transaction__c;

    void processFund_3911(Account account, Trades__c trades) {
        system.assert(null != account);
        system.assert(null != trades);
        system.assert(null != trades.Trade_Date__c);
        Boolean isYTD = ( == trades.Trade_Date__c.year());
        Boolean isMTD = ( == trades.Trade_Date__c.month()) && isYTD;
        Boolean isQTD = ((( - 1) / 3) + 1) == (((trades.Trade_Date__c.month() - 1) / 3) + 1) && isYTD;
        Boolean isPY = (( - 1) == trades.Trade_Date__c.year());
        Boolean isTotal = true;
        // YTD
        if (isYTD) {
            account.YTD_NS_REIT_Sales__c += trades.Dollar_Amount_of_the_transaction__c;
            account.YTD_NS_REIT_Shares__c += trades.Number_of_Shares_of_the_transaction__c;
        // QTD
        if (isQTD) {
            account.QTD_NS_REIT_Sales__c += trades.Dollar_Amount_of_the_transaction__c;
            account.QTD_NS_REIT_Shares__c += trades.Number_of_Shares_of_the_transaction__c;
        // MTD
        if (isMTD) {
            account.MTD_NS_REIT_Sales__c += trades.Dollar_Amount_of_the_transaction__c;
            account.MTD_NS_REIT_Shares__c += trades.Number_of_Shares_of_the_transaction__c;
        if (isPY) {
            account.PY_NS_REIT_Sales__c += trades.Dollar_Amount_of_the_transaction__c;
            account.PY_NS_REIT_Shares__c += trades.Number_of_Shares_of_the_transaction__c;
        if (isTotal) {
            account.Total_NS_REIT_Sales__c += trades.Dollar_Amount_of_the_transaction__c;
            account.Total_NS_REIT_Shares__c += trades.Number_of_Shares_of_the_transaction__c;
    void processFund_3912(Account account, Trades__c trades) {
        system.assert(null != account);
        system.assert(null != trades);
        system.assert(null != trades.Trade_Date__c);
        Boolean isYTD = ( == trades.Trade_Date__c.year());
        Boolean isMTD = ( == trades.Trade_Date__c.month()) && isYTD;
        Boolean isQTD = ((( - 1) / 3) + 1) == (((trades.Trade_Date__c.month() - 1) / 3) + 1) && isYTD;
        Boolean isPY = (( - 1) == trades.Trade_Date__c.year());
        Boolean isTotal = true;
        // YTD
        if (isYTD) {
            account.YTD_NS_HIT_Sales__c += trades.Dollar_Amount_of_the_transaction__c;
            account.YTD_NS_HIT_Shares__c += trades.Number_of_Shares_of_the_transaction__c;
        // QTD
        if (isQTD) {
            account.QTD_NS_HIT_Sales__c += trades.Dollar_Amount_of_the_transaction__c;
            account.QTD_NS_HIT_Shares__c += trades.Number_of_Shares_of_the_transaction__c;
        // MTD
        if (isMTD) {
            account.MTD_NS_HIT_Sales__c += trades.Dollar_Amount_of_the_transaction__c;
            account.MTD_NS_HIT_Shares__c += trades.Number_of_Shares_of_the_transaction__c;
        if (isPY) {
            account.PY_NS_HIT_Sales__c += trades.Dollar_Amount_of_the_transaction__c;
            account.PY_NS_HIT_Shares__c += trades.Number_of_Shares_of_the_transaction__c;
        if (isTotal) {
            account.Total_NS_HIT_Sales__c += trades.Dollar_Amount_of_the_transaction__c;
            account.Total_NS_HIT_Shares__c += trades.Number_of_Shares_of_the_transaction__c;



Best Answer chosen by Admin (Salesforce Developers) 

Besides batch apex, one approach is to deal with this part of your code:


for(Account account : accountList) {
            account.Total_NIOR_I_Sales__c = 0;
            account.Total_NIOR_I_Shares__c = 0;
            account.YTD_NIOR_I_Sales__c = 0;
            account.YTD_NIOR_I_Shares__c = 0;
            account.QTD_NIOR_I_Sales__c = 0;
            account.QTD_NIOR_I_Shares__c = 0;
            account.MTD_NIOR_I_Sales__c = 0;
            account.MTD_NIOR_I_Shares__c = 0;
            account.PY_NIOR_I_Sales__c = 0;
            account.PY_NIOR_I_Shares__c = 0;
            account.Total_NS_REIT_Sales__c = 0;
            account.Total_NS_REIT_Shares__c = 0;
            account.YTD_NS_REIT_Sales__c = 0;
            account.YTD_NS_REIT_Shares__c = 0;
            account.QTD_NS_REIT_Sales__c = 0;
            account.QTD_NS_REIT_Shares__c = 0;
            account.MTD_NS_REIT_Sales__c = 0;
            account.MTD_NS_REIT_Shares__c = 0;
            account.PY_NS_REIT_Sales__c = 0;
            account.PY_NS_REIT_Shares__c = 0;
            account.Total_NS_HIT_Sales__c = 0;
            account.Total_NS_HIT_Shares__c = 0;
            account.YTD_NS_HIT_Sales__c = 0;
            account.YTD_NS_HIT_Shares__c = 0;
            account.QTD_NS_HIT_Sales__c = 0;
            account.QTD_NS_HIT_Shares__c = 0;
            account.MTD_NS_HIT_Sales__c = 0;
            account.MTD_NS_HIT_Shares__c = 0;
            account.PY_NS_HIT_Sales__c = 0;
            account.PY_NS_HIT_Shares__c = 0;
            account.Rollup_Trades__c =;

 and convert to something like this:


for(Account account : accountList) {
   acctWorkList.add(new Account(id =,
            Total_NIOR_I_Sales__c = 0
            Total_NIOR_I_Shares__c = 0,
            YTD_NIOR_I_Sales__c = 0,
            YTD_NIOR_I_Shares__c = 0,
            QTD_NIOR_I_Sales__c = 0,
            QTD_NIOR_I_Shares__c = 0,
            MTD_NIOR_I_Sales__c = 0,
            MTD_NIOR_I_Shares__c = 0,
            PY_NIOR_I_Sales__c = 0,
            PY_NIOR_I_Shares__c = 0,
            Total_NS_REIT_Sales__c = 0,
            Total_NS_REIT_Shares__c = 0,
            YTD_NS_REIT_Sales__c = 0,
            YTD_NS_REIT_Shares__c = 0,
            QTD_NS_REIT_Sales__c = 0,
            QTD_NS_REIT_Shares__c = 0,
            MTD_NS_REIT_Sales__c = 0,
            MTD_NS_REIT_Shares__c = 0,
            PY_NS_REIT_Sales__c = 0,
            PY_NS_REIT_Shares__c = 0,
            Total_NS_HIT_Sales__c = 0,
            Total_NS_HIT_Shares__c = 0,
            YTD_NS_HIT_Sales__c = 0,
            YTD_NS_HIT_Shares__c = 0,
            QTD_NS_HIT_Sales__c = 0,
            QTD_NS_HIT_Shares__c = 0,
            MTD_NS_HIT_Sales__c = 0,
            MTD_NS_HIT_Shares__c = 0,
            PY_NS_HIT_Sales__c = 0,
            PY_NS_HIT_Shares__c = 0,
            Rollup_Trades__c =;

 and then operate on acctWorkList afterwards. (You'll need to declare this as a list variable - exercise for the reader; you will also need to create your map based on workAcctList). If this class is used in a trigger and is implicitly updating the Account in, then you'll need to use explicit DML statements as workAcctList is not


But, you save about 25 or so script statements per Account. However, I suspect the problem is the combination of  trade volume and accountList size. If the latter can be reduced per invocation (see batch apex suggestion), then you have a scalable solution

All Answers

Saikishore Reddy AengareddySaikishore Reddy Aengareddy

Look at this link with tips arount script statements..


Besides batch apex, one approach is to deal with this part of your code:


for(Account account : accountList) {
            account.Total_NIOR_I_Sales__c = 0;
            account.Total_NIOR_I_Shares__c = 0;
            account.YTD_NIOR_I_Sales__c = 0;
            account.YTD_NIOR_I_Shares__c = 0;
            account.QTD_NIOR_I_Sales__c = 0;
            account.QTD_NIOR_I_Shares__c = 0;
            account.MTD_NIOR_I_Sales__c = 0;
            account.MTD_NIOR_I_Shares__c = 0;
            account.PY_NIOR_I_Sales__c = 0;
            account.PY_NIOR_I_Shares__c = 0;
            account.Total_NS_REIT_Sales__c = 0;
            account.Total_NS_REIT_Shares__c = 0;
            account.YTD_NS_REIT_Sales__c = 0;
            account.YTD_NS_REIT_Shares__c = 0;
            account.QTD_NS_REIT_Sales__c = 0;
            account.QTD_NS_REIT_Shares__c = 0;
            account.MTD_NS_REIT_Sales__c = 0;
            account.MTD_NS_REIT_Shares__c = 0;
            account.PY_NS_REIT_Sales__c = 0;
            account.PY_NS_REIT_Shares__c = 0;
            account.Total_NS_HIT_Sales__c = 0;
            account.Total_NS_HIT_Shares__c = 0;
            account.YTD_NS_HIT_Sales__c = 0;
            account.YTD_NS_HIT_Shares__c = 0;
            account.QTD_NS_HIT_Sales__c = 0;
            account.QTD_NS_HIT_Shares__c = 0;
            account.MTD_NS_HIT_Sales__c = 0;
            account.MTD_NS_HIT_Shares__c = 0;
            account.PY_NS_HIT_Sales__c = 0;
            account.PY_NS_HIT_Shares__c = 0;
            account.Rollup_Trades__c =;

 and convert to something like this:


for(Account account : accountList) {
   acctWorkList.add(new Account(id =,
            Total_NIOR_I_Sales__c = 0
            Total_NIOR_I_Shares__c = 0,
            YTD_NIOR_I_Sales__c = 0,
            YTD_NIOR_I_Shares__c = 0,
            QTD_NIOR_I_Sales__c = 0,
            QTD_NIOR_I_Shares__c = 0,
            MTD_NIOR_I_Sales__c = 0,
            MTD_NIOR_I_Shares__c = 0,
            PY_NIOR_I_Sales__c = 0,
            PY_NIOR_I_Shares__c = 0,
            Total_NS_REIT_Sales__c = 0,
            Total_NS_REIT_Shares__c = 0,
            YTD_NS_REIT_Sales__c = 0,
            YTD_NS_REIT_Shares__c = 0,
            QTD_NS_REIT_Sales__c = 0,
            QTD_NS_REIT_Shares__c = 0,
            MTD_NS_REIT_Sales__c = 0,
            MTD_NS_REIT_Shares__c = 0,
            PY_NS_REIT_Sales__c = 0,
            PY_NS_REIT_Shares__c = 0,
            Total_NS_HIT_Sales__c = 0,
            Total_NS_HIT_Shares__c = 0,
            YTD_NS_HIT_Sales__c = 0,
            YTD_NS_HIT_Shares__c = 0,
            QTD_NS_HIT_Sales__c = 0,
            QTD_NS_HIT_Shares__c = 0,
            MTD_NS_HIT_Sales__c = 0,
            MTD_NS_HIT_Shares__c = 0,
            PY_NS_HIT_Sales__c = 0,
            PY_NS_HIT_Shares__c = 0,
            Rollup_Trades__c =;

 and then operate on acctWorkList afterwards. (You'll need to declare this as a list variable - exercise for the reader; you will also need to create your map based on workAcctList). If this class is used in a trigger and is implicitly updating the Account in, then you'll need to use explicit DML statements as workAcctList is not


But, you save about 25 or so script statements per Account. However, I suspect the problem is the combination of  trade volume and accountList size. If the latter can be reduced per invocation (see batch apex suggestion), then you have a scalable solution

This was selected as the best answer