Hi, this seems silly but I’m thoroughly confused. I need to create 2 simple validation rules, both use the same fields but I’m working on the easiest one first.
Checking only 2 fields - throw an error if:
(Picklist) Type of Request ≠ NEW
(Text field) Existing Amount ≠ BLANK
IOW, if the text field is populated, then the picklist can’t be in the New value.
This is what I have but it’s not working correctly. What am I missing?
( RecordType.Name = "Request" ),
NOT(ISPICKVAL(Type_of_Request__c, "New" )),
NOT(ISBLANK (Existing_Amount__c))
Appreciate any help!
#Salesforce Developer #Formulas #Validation Rule
Hi ,
Try this
RecordType.Name = "Request" ,
ISPICKVAL(Type_of_Request__c, "New"),
ISBLANK (Existing_Amount__c)