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Test Class and VisualForce Command Button



I wanted to write test for my controller class for a visualforce page.  I have 2 command buttons that calls methods from my controller class.  How do go about writing the test to cover the commandbutton actions?




can u post ur code here???

public class thecontrollerTests {

    public static testMethod void testMyController() {
// insert sample records here...

//code for pagereference if u r using pagereference
PageReference pageRef = Page.success; Test.setCurrentPage(pageRef); create object for constructor thecontroller controller = new thecontroller(); controller.setLastName('lastname'); controller.setFirstName('firstname'); controller.setCompany('acme'); controller.setEmail('');

// code for testing cmd buttons save and cance controller.Save();
Controller.Cancel(); // Verify that the success page displays System.assertEquals('/apex/success', nextPage); Lead[] leads = [select id, email from lead where Company = 'acme']; System.assertEquals('', leads[0].email); } }

Ask if u have further clarification.....