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Matt TindallMatt Tindall 

AggregateResult = NULL then show 0?



I am trying to put an IF statement into my Class that determines if an Aggregate Result is NULL then place a 0 in its place.

Iv tried a few different ideas and just can't get it to work.


Public Integer getShowJanuarySales() {
    if (ShowJanuarySales > 0){
        return ShowJanuarySales;
    } else {
        return 1;


Iv got the following statement that works fine as long as a record exists and I know that it changes the value for me. But if I replace the "> 0" with "== null" I just get an error on my page saying it can't reference a null object.

Anyone got any ideas?


Best Answer chosen by Admin (Salesforce Developers) 
public class JanuarySalesCalculator{
    public integer ShowJanuarySales=0;
    public JanuarySalesCalculator(){
    	List<AggregateResult> January_Sales = [SELECT SUM (Sales__c) FROM Stats_Diary__c WHERE Date__c = THIS_YEAR and CALENDAR_MONTH(Date__c) = 1 and Staff__c LIKE 'Matt']; 
        decimal JanuarySalesTEMP = January_Sales[0].get('expr0')==null?0:(decimal)January_Sales[0].get('expr0');
        ShowJanuarySales = JanuarySalesTEMP.intvalue();

	Public Integer getShowJanuarySales() {
 	    return ShowJanuarySales;

All Answers


Hi Matt,


I came across a similar issue once - have you tried the following:

if (ShowJanuarySales != NULL){
return ShowJanuarySales;
} else {
return 1;

Also, make sure you initialize the variable with a default value: ShowJanuarySales

put following line in your Apex class constructor



Hello Matt,


Aggregate result is always a number, so compare it with a number.

Matt TindallMatt Tindall

Thanks for the replies but its still not working.

I have created a micro concept to show what I am trying to do.



public class JanuarySalesCalculator{
    public integer ShowJanuarySales=0;
    public JanuarySalesCalculator(){
    	List<AggregateResult> January_Sales = [SELECT SUM (Sales__c) FROM Stats_Diary__c WHERE Date__c = THIS_YEAR and CALENDAR_MONTH(Date__c) = 1 and Staff__c LIKE 'Matt']; 
        decimal JanuarySalesTEMP = (decimal)January_Sales[0].get('expr0');
        ShowJanuarySales = JanuarySalesTEMP.intvalue();

	Public Integer getShowJanuarySales() {
    	if (ShowJanuarySales != NULL){
    		return 0;
    	} else {
    		return ShowJanuarySales;


<apex:page controller="JanuarySalesCalculator">


Attempt to de-reference a null object 
An unexpected error has occurred. Your development organization has been notified.

 If a record exists and even contains a 0 everything is fine. But sometime the record wont exist so I need to work out a solution.


public class JanuarySalesCalculator{
    public integer ShowJanuarySales=0;
    public JanuarySalesCalculator(){
    	List<AggregateResult> January_Sales = [SELECT SUM (Sales__c) FROM Stats_Diary__c WHERE Date__c = THIS_YEAR and CALENDAR_MONTH(Date__c) = 1 and Staff__c LIKE 'Matt']; 
        decimal JanuarySalesTEMP = January_Sales[0].get('expr0')==null?0:(decimal)January_Sales[0].get('expr0');
        ShowJanuarySales = JanuarySalesTEMP.intvalue();

	Public Integer getShowJanuarySales() {
 	    return ShowJanuarySales;
This was selected as the best answer
Matt TindallMatt Tindall

Thats worked!!

