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VF/Apex Editor in Google Chrome Issue

Opened a case with SF support on this, but they changed their support policies for development and won't help me so I came to the next best place...the boards!


When using Visualforce and Apex text editors within the SF UI, the line where my cursor is placed is getting visually duplicated a few pixels down the page. It is very annoying and confusing, I've done some searching and can't determine if other users have experienced this issue. I have tried clearing my browser cache, but that doesn't appear to have any impact.




Best Answer chosen by Admin (Salesforce Developers) 

I experienced some wierdness when using chrome and the developer console...the scroll bar wpuld not stay in place, the page would auto move back to the top of the code window.  Turned out to be a browser zoom issue.  Placing the zoom back to 100% fixed it.  I know it is not the same issue that you are experience but maybe worth a try.

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I experienced some wierdness when using chrome and the developer console...the scroll bar wpuld not stay in place, the page would auto move back to the top of the code window.  Turned out to be a browser zoom issue.  Placing the zoom back to 100% fixed it.  I know it is not the same issue that you are experience but maybe worth a try.

This was selected as the best answer
Zoom was the culprit! Thanks @MTBRider