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Search in VF having four search fields
I am creating a Search Page using VF. I have four input search fields and would like to display results in a table. I have created search pages before using only two input fields. It worked fine but I am not able to do the same with four search fields. Could anyone help me with this please ? I am using if statements to get the results. Could anyone could tell me a better way of doing a search ?
I developed the search using 4 inputtext fields it is working fine for me.
Please check once your code, may be is there any problem or else you can post some sample data here.
I know this is very bad coding technique but I do not know if there is a better way to do this using VF. It would be great if you can suggest a better method to implement Search. Because if I want to increase the input Txt fields, it would lot more if's which would be impossible to code. thank you
I actually just treid getting dynamic SOQL enabled and this is the answer I received:
"We are running a Limited Release on this, and are accepting people via nomination process. We are only able to add this to your Sandbox at this time and it cannot be included in a managed package or distributed as part of a partner application. This may change in the future.
Please confirm that you would like to be submitted into this program and I will fill out the form."
also, got this information:
"The plan is to make this a wide release, so I will go ahead and add you to the nomination list. Expect contact from someone about this request to further qualify your inclusion.
Even if it gets enabled, they will only do it for a Sandbox environment until it goes GA, which I have no idea about when that is. I have decided to abandon it for now and do things the inefficient way...
This is the sample code I used. Its working fine for me
Hi there,
I have tried to use your code and I am not able to generate the search functionality. It does not give result if I search using only one field.
I am actually trying to build a advanced search page with 8 fields in it. I do not know of a better way of doing it using the VF than the method
which I have posted above, which has simple if statements to check all the possiblities of fields. I would like to know a better way to do this.