You need to sign in to do that
Don't have an account?
just installed connect outlook... don't work
Hi, I've just installed connect outlook, but when i restart the computer, i see the button synchronise, i push, and its not working, I get the message "connexion to salesforce failed"
thanks for your help
Hi Ehayoun,
In Outlook, go to Tools > Salesforce Options.
On the General tab, make sure your username and password are in there.
Click the 'Verify' button to the right.
After 2-3 minutes, you should get a pop up saying 'Successfully logged into Salesforce'.
Click 'OK' to close the pop up and click 'OK' to close the first window.
Hopefully your buttons will work now.
Good Luck!
Hi Peanutman,
I appreciate the tip, but it didn't work for me... right away, when I click "verify" a pop-up box says, "Failed to log into Salesforce". Any ideas?
Hi Heather,
Assuming you entered in your username and password correctly and it says 'Failed to log into Salesforce', you may want to try adding in your security token after your password.
In, go to Setup > Personal Setup > Reset My Security Token.
Click the 'Reset Security Token' button. An e-mail from with your security token will be sent to you.
When you get the e-mail, double click on your security token to highlight it and 'Copy' it.
Go back to Outlook. Go to Tools > Salesforce Options.
Put in your username and your password.
After your password, 'Paste' in your security token. Make sure there are no spaces.
(I.E. If your password is 12345, your password should be 12345securitytoken.)
Click the 'Verify' button again. Hopefully now you will be successfully logged into Salesforce!
Good Luck,