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New Build on NA1?

I have a developer account on NA1.

Suddenly, today, all VisualForce pages with <apex:inputfield> tags are failing when I hit any button from the VF page, even just a Cancel. The error is:

Could not resolve field 'Shipped__c' from &lt;apex:inputField&gt; value binding '{!slab.Shipped__c}'

The field name varies, but it is whatever the input field value is.

The same code is working in a production version on NA5.

What is happening?

I am scared !!

Same thing on na2. turn off Development mode - no errors. Looks like SFDC people are working on something.
We are actively looking into this but I do not yet have an ETA for the fix. For the time being please use the VF page editor under Setup with developer mode disabled - the editor under Setup has the exact same backend (no auto refresh of course) and can be used regardless of whether or not dev mode is enabled.
Scott Hemmeter of Arrowpointe posted this tip as a work-around

on a VF page, you can add "?core.apexpages.devmode.url=1" to the URL and it will remove Dev Mode for that page